
Experimental Features

All features listed on this page are experimental which means:

  1. No SemVer Guarantees. We use code here to iterate fast and most users should wait for these features to be marked non-experimental.
  2. The code will probably be moved into a separate repository in the future.
  3. Expect edge-cases and report them. It will help us move these features out of experimental sooner.
  4. None of the features are exported.


Starting v”0.5.2” all Experimental features need to be accessed via Lux.Experimental.<feature>. Direct access via Lux.<feature> will be removed in v”0.6”.




Helper Functions making it easier to train Lux.jl models.

Lux.Training is meant to be simple and provide extremely basic functionality. We provide basic building blocks which can be seamlessly composed to create complex training pipelines.

# Lux.Experimental.TrainStateType. ```julia TrainState ``` Training State containing: * `model`: `Lux` model. * `parameters`: Trainable Variables of the `model`. * `states`: Non-trainable Variables of the `model`. * `optimizer_state`: Optimizer State. * `step`: Number of updates of the parameters made. source

# Lux.Experimental.compute_gradientsFunction. ```julia compute_gradients(ad::ADTypes.AbstractADType, objective_function::Function, data, ts::TrainState) ``` Compute the gradients of the objective function wrt parameters stored in `ts`. **Arguments** * `ad`: Backend (from [ADTypes.jl]( used to compute the gradients. * `objective_function`: Objective function. The function must take 4 inputs – model, parameters, states and data. The function must return 3 values – loss, updated_state, and any computed statistics. * `data`: Data used to compute the gradients. * `ts`: Current Training State. See [`TrainState`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.TrainState). **Return** A 4-Tuple containing: * `grads`: Computed Gradients. * `loss`: Loss from the objective function. * `stats`: Any computed statistics from the objective function. * `ts`: Updated Training State. source

# Lux.Experimental.apply_gradientsFunction. ```julia apply_gradients(ts::TrainState, grads) ``` Update the parameters stored in `ts` using the gradients `grads`. **Arguments** * `ts`: `TrainState` object. * `grads`: Gradients of the loss function wrt `ts.params`. **Returns** Updated `TrainState` object. source

Parameter Freezing


In the long term, this will be supported via Optimisers.jl.


# Lux.Experimental.FrozenLayerType. ```julia FrozenLayer(l::AbstractExplicitLayer, which_params::Union{Tuple, Nothing}) ``` Freeze the parameters with name `which_params` of the layer `l`. :::tip It is always recommended to use the [`Lux.Experimental.freeze`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.freeze) function instead of directly using the `FrozenLayer` constructor. ::: :::warning There are no checks for `which_params`. For example, if the original layer has parameters named `(:weight, :bias)`, and `which_params`is set to`(:myweight,)` then none of the parameters are frozen and no error is thrown. ::: **Arguments** * `l`: Lux AbstractExplicitLayer. * `which_params`: Parameter Names to be Frozen. Can be set to `nothing`, in which case all parameters are frozen. **Input** * `x`: Input to the layer `l`. **Returns** * Output of the inner layer `l` * Updated State **Parameters** * Parameters of the layer `l` excluding `which_params`. **States** * `frozen_params`: Parameters that are frozen, i.e., `which_params`. * `states`: The state of the inner layer `l`. **Note on Internal Layer Implementation** The inner layer should work with `NamedTuple` parameters. In order to support custom parameter types, users need to implement `Lux._merge(::CustomParamType, ::NamedTuple)`. **Example** ```julia m = Lux.Experimental.FrozenLayer(Dense(2 => 2), (:weight,)) ``` See also [`Lux.Experimental.freeze`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.freeze), [`Lux.Experimental.unfreeze`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.unfreeze). source

# Lux.Experimental.freezeFunction. ```julia freeze(l::AbstractExplicitLayer, which_params::Union{Tuple, Nothing} = nothing) ``` Constructs a version of `l` with `which_params` frozen. If `which_params` is nothing, then all parameters are frozen. source
``` freeze(l::AbstractExplicitLayer, ps, st::NamedTuple, which_params::Union{Tuple, Nothing} = nothing) ``` Construct a [`Lux.Experimental.FrozenLayer`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.FrozenLayer) for `l` with the current parameters and states. If `which_params` is nothing, then all parameters are frozen. source

# Lux.Experimental.unfreezeFunction. ```julia unfreeze(l::FrozenLayer) ``` Unfreezes the layer `l`. source
``` unfreeze(l::FrozenLayer, ps, st::NamedTuple) ``` Unwraps a [`Lux.Experimental.FrozenLayer`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.FrozenLayer) `l` with the current parameters and states. source

For detailed usage example look at the manual page.

Map over Layer

# Lux.Experimental.layer_mapFunction. ```julia layer_map(f::Function, l::AbstractExplicitLayer, ps, st::NamedTuple, name::String="model") ``` Map the function `f` over the model `l`, with the parameters `ps` and states `st`. This is different from `Functors.fmap` since it zips the layers, parameters, and states and invokes the function on all of them together. **Call Signature for `f`** * Must take 4 inputs – `AbstractExplicitLayer`, Corresponding Parameters, Corresponding States, and the name of the layer. * Must return a tuple of 3 elements – `AbstractExplicitLayer`, new parameters and the new states. :::tip We recommend using the macro `Lux.@layer_map` instead of this function. It automatically sets the `name` of the layer to be the variable name. ::: **Example** ```julia using Lux, Random, Setfield c = Parallel(+; chain=Chain(; dense_1=Dense(2 => 3), bn=BatchNorm(3), dense_2=Dense(3 => 5)), dense_3=Dense(5 => 1)) rng = Random.default_rng() ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, c) # Makes parameters of Dense Layers inside Chain zero function zero_dense_params(l, ps, st, name) if l isa Dense println("zeroing params of $name") @set! ps.weight = zero.(ps.weight) @set! ps.bias = zero.(ps.bias) end return l, ps, st end Lux.layer_map(zero_dense_params, c, ps, st) ``` source

# Lux.Experimental.@layer_mapMacro. ```julia @layer_map func layer ps st ``` See the documentation of [`Lux.Experimental.layer_map`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.layer_map) for more details. This macro eliminates the need to the set the layer name, and uses the variable name as the starting point. **Example** ```julia using Lux, Random, Setfield c = Parallel(+; chain=Chain(; dense_1=Dense(2 => 3), bn=BatchNorm(3), dense_2=Dense(3 => 5)), dense_3=Dense(5 => 1)) rng = Random.default_rng() ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, c) # Makes parameters of Dense Layers inside Chain zero function zero_dense_params(l, ps, st, name) if l isa Dense println("zeroing params of $name") @set! ps.weight = zero.(ps.weight) @set! ps.bias = zero.(ps.bias) end return l, ps, st end Lux.@layer_map zero_dense_params c ps st ``` source

Debugging Functionality

Model not working properly! Here are some functionalities to help you debug you Lux model.

# Lux.Experimental.@debug_modeMacro. ```julia @debug_mode layer kwargs... ``` Recurses into the `layer` and replaces the inner most non Container Layers with a [`Lux.Experimental.DebugLayer`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.DebugLayer). See [`Lux.Experimental.DebugLayer`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.DebugLayer) for details about the Keyword Arguments. source

# Lux.Experimental.DebugLayerType. ```julia DebugLayer(layer::AbstractExplicitLayer; nan_check::Symbol=:both, error_check::Bool=true, location::String="") ``` ::: danger This layer is only meant to be used for debugging. If used for actual training or inference, will lead to extremely bad performance. ::: A wrapper over Lux layers that adds checks for NaNs and errors. This is useful for debugging. **Arguments** * `layer`: The layer to be wrapped. **Keyword Arguments** * `nan_check`: Whether to check for NaNs in the input, parameters, and states. Can be `:both`, `:forward`, `:backward`, or `:none`. * `error_check`: Whether to check for errors in the layer. If `true`, will throw an error if the layer fails. * `location`: The location of the layer. Use [`Lux.Experimental.@debug_mode`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.@debug_mode) to construct this layer to populate this value correctly. **Inputs** * `x`: The input to the layer. **Outputs** * `y`: The output of the layer. * `st`: The updated states of the layer. If `nan_check` is enabled and NaNs are detected then a `DomainError` is thrown. If `error_check` is enabled, then any errors in the layer are thrown with useful information to track where the error originates. ::: warning `nan_check` for the backward mode only works with ChainRules Compatible Reverse Mode AD Tools currently. ::: See [`Lux.Experimental.@debug_mode`](contrib#Lux.Experimental.@debug_mode) to construct this layer. source

Tied Parameters

# Lux.Experimental.share_parametersFunction. ```julia share_parameters(ps, sharing) share_parameters(ps, sharing, new_parameters) ``` Updates the parameters in `ps` with a common set of parameters `new_parameters` that are shared between each list in the nested list `sharing`. (That was kind of a mouthful, the example should make it clear). **Arguments** * `ps`: Original parameters. * `sharing`: A nested list of lists of accessors of `ps` which need to shate the parameters (See the example for details). (Each list in the list must be disjoint) * `new_parameters`: If passed the length of `new_parameters` must be equal to the length of `sharing`. For each vector in `sharing` the corresponding parameter in `new_parameters` will be used. (If not passed, the parameters corresponding to the first element of each vector in `sharing` will be used). **Returns** Updated Parameters having the same structure as `ps`. **Example** ```julia model = Chain(; d1=Dense(2 => 4, tanh), d3=Chain(; l1=Dense(4 => 2), l2=Dense(2 => 4)), d2=Dense(4 => 2)) ps, st = Lux.setup(Xoshiro(0), model) # share parameters of (d1 and d3.l1) and (d3.l2 and d2) ps = Lux.share_parameters(ps, (("d3.l2", "d1"), ("d2", "d3.l1"))) ``` source

Stateful Layer

# Lux.Experimental.StatefulLuxLayerType. ```julia StatefulLuxLayer(model, ps, st) ``` ::: warning This is not a Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer ::: A convenience wrapper over Lux layers which stores the parameters and states internally. Most users should not be using this version. This comes handy when Lux internally uses the `@compact` to construct models and in SciML codebases where propagating state might involving [`Box`ing]( For a motivating example, see the Neural ODE tutorial. ::: warning State is mutated in place. An additional caveat is that the updated state from `model` must have the same type as `st`. ::: **Arguments** * `model`: A Lux layer * `ps`: The parameters of the layer. This can be set to `nothing`, if the user provides the parameters on function call * `st`: The state of the layer **Inputs** * `x`: The input to the layer * `ps`: The parameters of the layer. Optional, defaults to `` **Outputs** * `y`: The output of the layer source

Compact Layer API

# Lux.Experimental.@compactMacro. ```julia @compact(kw...) do x ... end @compact(forward::Function; name=nothing, parameters...) ``` Creates a layer by specifying some `parameters`, in the form of keywords, and (usually as a `do` block) a function for the forward pass. You may think of `@compact` as a specialized `let` block creating local variables that are trainable in Lux. Declared variable names may be used within the body of the `forward` function. Note that unlike typical Lux models, the forward function doesn't need to explicitly manage states. Here is a linear model: ```julia using Lux, Random import Lux.Experimental: @compact r = @compact(w=rand(3)) do x return w .* x end ps, st = Lux.setup(Xoshiro(0), r) r([1, 1, 1], ps, st) # x is set to [1, 1, 1]. ``` Here is a linear model with bias and activation: ```julia d_in = 5 d_out = 7 d = @compact(W=randn(d_out, d_in), b=zeros(d_out), act=relu) do x y = W * x return act.(y .+ b) end ps, st = Lux.setup(Xoshiro(0), d) d(ones(5, 10), ps, st) # 7×10 Matrix as output. ps_dense = (; weight=ps.W, bias=ps.b) first(d([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ps, st)) ≈ first(Dense(d_in => d_out, relu)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ps_dense, NamedTuple())) # Equivalent to a dense layer ``` Finally, here is a simple MLP: ```julia n_in = 1 n_out = 1 nlayers = 3 model = @compact(w1=Dense(n_in, 128), w2=[Dense(128, 128) for i in 1:nlayers], w3=Dense(128, n_out), act=relu) do x embed = act(w1(x)) for w in w2 embed = act(w(embed)) end out = w3(embed) return out end ps, st = Lux.setup(Xoshiro(0), model) model(randn(n_in, 32), ps, st) # 1×32 Matrix as output. ``` We can train this model just like any Lux model: ```julia using Optimisers, Zygote x_data = collect(-2.0f0:0.1f0:2.0f0)' y_data = 2 .* x_data .- x_data .^ 3 optim = Optimisers.setup(Adam(), ps) for epoch in 1:1000 loss, gs = Zygote.withgradient(ps -> sum(abs2, first(model(x_data, ps, st)) .- y_data), ps) @show epoch, loss Optimisers.update!(optim, ps, gs[1]) end ``` You may also specify a `name` for the model, which will be used instead of the default printout, which gives a verbatim representation of the code used to construct the model: ```julia model = @compact(w=rand(3), name="Linear(3 => 1)") do x return sum(w .* x) end println(model) # "Linear(3 => 1)()" ``` This can be useful when using `@compact` to hierarchically construct complex models to be used inside a `Chain`. :::tip Type Stability If your input function `f` is type-stable but the generated model is not type stable, it should be treated as a bug. We will appreciate issues if you find such cases. ::: :::warning Parameter Count Array Parameter don't print the number of parameters on the side. However, they do account for the total number of parameters printed at the bottom. ::: source