This package is a light dependency providing common weight initialization schemes for deep learning models.
Supported RNG Types
RNG Type / Package | Returned Array Type | Unsupported Functions |
Random.jl | Array | |
StableRNGs.jl | Array | |
CUDA.CURAND.default_rng() | CuArray | |
CUDA.default_rng() | CuArray | |
GPUArrays.default_rng(CuArray) | CuArray | |
AMDGPU.rocrand_rng() | ROCArray | |
AMDGPU.gpuarrays_rng() | ROCArray | |
GPUArrays.default_rng(ROCArray) | ROCArray | |
Metal.gpuarrays_rng() | MtlArray | orthogonal |
GPUArrays.default_rng(MtlArray) | MtlArray | orthogonal |
oneAPI.gpuarrays_rng() | oneArray | orthogonal , truncated_normal |
GPUArrays.default_rng(oneArray) | oneArray | orthogonal , truncated_normal |
API Reference
Main Functions
WeightInitializers.glorot_normal Function
glorot_normal([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], [T=Float32], size...;
gain = 1) -> AbstractArray{T, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{T}
of the given size
containing random numbers drawn from a normal distribution with standard deviation gain * sqrt(2 / (fan_in + fan_out))
. This method is described in [1] and also known as Xavier initialization.
[1] Glorot, Xavier, and Yoshua Bengio. "Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks." Proceedings of the thirteenth international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics. 2010.
sourceWeightInitializers.glorot_uniform Function
glorot_uniform([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], [T=Float32], size...;
gain = 1) -> AbstractArray{T, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{T}
of the given size
containing random numbers drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval x = gain * sqrt(6 / (fan_in + fan_out))
. This method is described in [1] and also known as Xavier initialization.
[1] Glorot, Xavier, and Yoshua Bengio. "Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks." Proceedings of the thirteenth international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics. 2010.
sourceWeightInitializers.identity_init Function
identity_init([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], [T=Float32], size...; gain::Number=1,
shift::Union{Integer, Tuple{Integer, Integer}}=0) -> AbstractArray{T}
Constructs an array that aims to provide an identity mapping when used as parameters in most layers of a neural network. The identity mapping is scaled by the gain
1D: Returns a
of zeros (useful for biases in layers whereinput_size == output_size
).2D: Returns an identity matrix (useful for fully connected layers with equal input and output sizes).
More than 2D: Returns a tensor where the central slice along the last two dimensions is an identity matrix, and the rest are zeros (useful for convolutional layers, simulating an identity convolution).
Not all layers will result in an identity mapping when using this initializer. Exceptions include recurrent and normalization layers.
Layers must have
input_size == output_size
for a perfect identity mapping. In cases where this condition is not met, the function pads extra dimensions with zeros.For convolutional layers to achieve an identity mapping, kernel sizes must be odd, and appropriate padding must be applied to ensure the output feature maps are the same size as the input feature maps.
: An optional random number generator, included for consistency with other initializers but ignored since the output is deterministic.T::Type{<:Number}
: The numeric type of the array elements.size...
: The dimensions of the array to be initialized.gain::Number=1
: A scaling factor applied to the identity mapping.shift::Union{Integer, Tuple{Integer, Integer}}=0
: An integer or a tuple specifying the circular shift applied to the output array.
: An array initialized to represent an identity mapping, scaled bygain
and optionally shifted byshift
julia> identity_init(Xoshiro(123), Float32, 5, 5)
5×5 Matrix{Float32}:
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
julia> identity_init(Xoshiro(123), Float32, 3, 3, 1, 1; gain=1.5)
3×3×1×1 Array{Float32, 4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.5 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
WeightInitializers.kaiming_normal Function
kaiming_normal([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], [T=Float32], size...;
gain = √T(2)) -> AbstractArray{T, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{T}
of the given size
containing random numbers taken from a normal distribution standard deviation gain / sqrt(fan_in)
[1] He, Kaiming, et al. "Delving deep into rectifiers: Surpassing human-level performance on imagenet classification." Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2015.
sourceWeightInitializers.kaiming_uniform Function
kaiming_uniform([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], [T=Float32], size...;
gain = √T(2)) -> AbstractArray{T, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{T}
of the given size
containing random numbers drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval [-x, x]
, where x = gain * sqrt(3/fan_in)
[1] He, Kaiming, et al. "Delving deep into rectifiers: Surpassing human-level performance on imagenet classification." Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2015.
sourceWeightInitializers.sparse_init Function
sparse_init([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], [T=Float32], dims::Integer...;
sparsity::Number, std::Number=0.01) -> AbstractArray{T}
Creates a sparsely initialized weight matrix with a specified proportion of zeroed elements, using random numbers drawn from a normal distribution for the non-zero elements. This method was introduced in [1].
The sparsity parameter controls the proportion of the matrix that will be zeroed. For example, a sparsity of 0.3 means that approximately 30% of the elements will be set to zero. The non-zero elements are distributed according to a normal distribution, scaled by the std parameter.
: The random number generator to use.T::Type{<:Number}
: The numeric type of the elements in the returned array.dims::Integer...
: The dimensions of the weight matrix to be generated.sparsity::Number
: The proportion of elements to be zeroed. Must be between 0 and 1.std::Number=0.01
: The standard deviation of the normal distribution before applyinggain
: A sparsely initialized weight matrix of dimensionsdims
and typeT
julia> y = sparse_init(Xoshiro(123), Float32, 5, 5; sparsity=0.3, std=0.01);
julia> y isa Matrix{Float32}
julia> size(y) == (5, 5)
[1] Martens, J, "Deep learning via Hessian-free optimization" Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on International Conference on Machine Learning. 2010.
sourceWeightInitializers.truncated_normal Function
truncated_normal([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], [T=Float32], size...; mean = 0,
std = 1, lo = -2, hi = 2) -> AbstractArray{T, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{T}
of the given size
where each element is drawn from a truncated normal distribution. The numbers are distributed like filter(x -> lo ≤ x ≤ hi, mean .+ std .* randn(100))
WeightInitializers.orthogonal Function
orthogonal([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], [T=Float32], dims::Integer...;
gain = 1) -> AbstractArray{T, length(dims)}
Return an AbstractArray{T}
of the given dimensions (dims
) which is a (semi) orthogonal matrix, as described in [1].
The function constructs an orthogonal or semi-orthogonal matrix depending on the specified dimensions. For two dimensions, it returns a matrix where dims = (rows, cols)
. For more than two dimensions, it computes an orthogonal matrix of size prod(dims[1:(end - 1)])
by dims[end]
before reshaping it to the original dimensions.
Cannot construct a vector, i.e., length(dims) == 1
is forbidden.
: Random number generator.T::Type{<:Real}
: The type of the elements in the array.dims::Integer...
: The dimensions of the array.gain::Number
: Scaling factor for the elements of the orthogonal matrix.
[1] Saxe, McClelland, Ganguli. "Exact solutions to the nonlinear dynamics of learning in deep linear neural networks", ICLR 2014, https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6120
sourceOther Convenience Functions
Unlike the other functions these ones don't take a type argument.
WeightInitializers.zeros16 Function
zeros16([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float16, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float16}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of zeros.
WeightInitializers.ones16 Function
ones16([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float16, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float16}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of ones.
WeightInitializers.rand16 Function
rand16([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float16, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float16}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a uniform distribution.
WeightInitializers.randn16 Function
randn16([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float16, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float16}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a standard normal distribution.
WeightInitializers.zeros32 Function
zeros32([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float32, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float32}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of zeros.
WeightInitializers.ones32 Function
ones32([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float32, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float32}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of ones.
WeightInitializers.rand32 Function
rand32([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float32, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float32}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a uniform distribution.
WeightInitializers.randn32 Function
randn32([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float32, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float32}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a standard normal distribution.
WeightInitializers.zeros64 Function
zeros64([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float64, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float64}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of zeros.
WeightInitializers.ones64 Function
ones64([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float64, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float64}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of ones.
WeightInitializers.rand64 Function
rand64([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float64, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float64}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a uniform distribution.
WeightInitializers.randn64 Function
randn64([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{Float64, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{Float64}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a standard normal distribution.
WeightInitializers.zerosC16 Function
zerosC16([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF16, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF16}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of zeros.
WeightInitializers.onesC16 Function
onesC16([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF16, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF16}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of ones.
WeightInitializers.randC16 Function
randC16([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF16, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF16}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a uniform distribution.
WeightInitializers.randnC16 Function
randnC16([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF16, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF16}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a standard normal distribution.
WeightInitializers.zerosC32 Function
zerosC32([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF32, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF32}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of zeros.
WeightInitializers.onesC32 Function
onesC32([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF32, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF32}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of ones.
WeightInitializers.randC32 Function
randC32([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF32, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF32}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a uniform distribution.
WeightInitializers.randnC32 Function
randnC32([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF32, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF32}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a standard normal distribution.
WeightInitializers.zerosC64 Function
zerosC64([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF64, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF64}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of zeros.
WeightInitializers.onesC64 Function
onesC64([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF64, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF64}
of the given size
containing an AbstractArray of ones.
WeightInitializers.randC64 Function
randC64([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF64, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF64}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a uniform distribution.
WeightInitializers.randnC64 Function
randnC64([::AbstractRNG=Utils.default_rng()], size...;
kwargs...) -> AbstractArray{ComplexF64, length(size)}
Return an AbstractArray{ComplexF64}
of the given size
containing random numbers from a standard normal distribution.