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# LuxLib.alpha_dropoutFunction.
alpha_dropout(rng::AbstractRNG, x, p, ::Val{training})
alpha_dropout(rng::AbstractRNG, x, p, ::Val{training}, α, A, B)

Alpha Dropout: Dropout ensuring that the mean and variance of the output remains same as the input. For details see [1]. Use the second call signature to avoid recomputing the constants for a fixed dropout probability.


  • rng: Random number generator

  • x: Input Array

  • p: Probability of an element to be dropped out

  • Val(training): If true then dropout is applied on x with probability p. Else, x is returned

  • α: -1.7580993408473766. Computed at limit x tends to infinity, selu(x) = -λβ = α

  • A: Scaling factor for the mean

  • B: Scaling factor for the variance


  • Output Array after applying alpha dropout

  • Updated state for the random number generator


[1] Klambauer, Günter, et al. "Self-normalizing neural networks." Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017).


# LuxLib.dropoutFunction.
dropout(rng::AbstractRNG, x, p, ::Val{training}, invp; dims)
dropout(rng::AbstractRNG, x, mask, p, ::Val{training}, ::Val{update_mask}, invp;

Dropout: Simple Way to prevent Neural Networks for Overfitting. For details see [1].


  • rng: Random number generator

  • x: Input Array

  • mask: Dropout Mask. If not used then it is constructed automatically

  • p: Probability of an element to be dropped out

  • Val(training): If true then dropout is applied on x with probability p along dims. Else, x is returned

  • Val(update_mask): If true then the mask is generated and used. Else, the mask provided is directly used

  • invp: Inverse of the probability

Keyword Arguments

  • dims: Dimensions along which dropout is applied

  • invp: Inverse of the probability (1p)


  • Output Array after applying dropout

  • Dropout Mask (if training == false, the returned value is meaningless)

  • Updated state for the random number generator


[1] Srivastava, Nitish, et al. "Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting." The journal of machine learning research 15.1 (2014): 1929-1958.



# LuxLib.batchnormFunction.
batchnorm(x, scale, bias, running_mean, running_var; momentum, epsilon, training)

Batch Normalization. For details see [1].

Batch Normalization computes the mean and variance for each D1×...×DN2×1×DN input slice and normalises the input accordingly.


  • x: Input to be Normalized

  • scale: Scale factor (γ) (can be nothing)

  • bias: Bias factor (β) (can be nothing)

  • running_mean: Running mean (can be nothing)

  • running_var: Running variance (can be nothing)

Keyword Arguments

  • momentum: Momentum for updating running mean and variance

  • epsilon: Value added to the denominator for numerical stability

  • training: Set to Val(true) if running in training mode


Normalized Array of same size as x. And a Named Tuple containing the updated running mean and variance.

Performance Considerations

If the input array is 2D, 4D, or 5D CuArray with element types Float16, Float32 and Float64, then the CUDNN code path will be used. In all other cases, a broadcasting fallback is used which is not highly optimized.


[1] Ioffe, Sergey, and Christian Szegedy. "Batch normalization: Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift." International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2015.


# LuxLib.groupnormFunction.
groupnorm(x, scale, bias; groups, epsilon)

Group Normalization. For details see [1].

This op is similar to batch normalization, but statistics are shared across equally-sized groups of channels and not shared across batch dimension. Thus, group normalization does not depend on the batch composition and does not require maintaining internal state for storing statistics.


  • x: Input to be Normalized

  • scale: Scale factor (γ) (can be nothing)

  • bias: Bias factor (β) (can be nothing)

Keyword Arguments

  • groups: Number of groups

  • epsilon: Value added to the denominator for numerical stability


The normalized array is returned.

Performance Considerations

The most common case of this Op – x is a 4D array – is optimized using KernelAbstractions and has a fast custom backwards pass implemented. All other cases have a fallback implementation which is not especially optimized.

We have tested the code path for Float16 and it works, but gradient accumulation is extremely fragile. Hence, for Float16 inputs, it uses the fallback implementation.

If the batch size is small (< 16), then the fallback implementation will be faster than the KA version. However, this customization is not possible using the direct groupnorm interface.


[1] Wu, Yuxin, and Kaiming He. "Group normalization." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV). 2018.


# LuxLib.instancenormFunction.
instancenorm(x, scale, bias; epsilon, training)

Instance Normalization. For details see [1].

Instance Normalization computes the mean and variance for each D1×...×DN2×1×1 input slice and normalises the input accordingly.


  • x: Input to be Normalized (must be atleast 3D)

  • scale: Scale factor (γ) (can be nothing)

  • bias: Bias factor (β) (can be nothing)

Keyword Arguments

  • epsilon: Value added to the denominator for numerical stability

  • training: Set to Val(true) if running in training mode


Normalized Array of same size as x. And a Named Tuple containing the updated running mean and variance.


[1] Ulyanov, Dmitry, Andrea Vedaldi, and Victor Lempitsky. "Instance normalization: The missing ingredient for fast stylization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.08022 (2016).


# LuxLib.layernormFunction.
layernorm(x, scale, bias; dims, epsilon)

Layer Normalization. For details see [1].

Given an input array x, this layer computes



  • x: Input to be Normalized

  • scale: Scale factor (γ) (can be nothing)

  • bias: Bias factor (β) (can be nothing)

Keyword Arguments

  • dims: Dimensions along which the mean and std of x is computed

  • epsilon: Value added to the denominator for numerical stability


Normalized Array of same size as x.


[1] Ba, Jimmy Lei, Jamie Ryan Kiros, and Geoffrey E. Hinton. "Layer normalization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.06450 (2016).
