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Preferences for Lux.jl

How to set Preferences

PreferenceTools.jl provides an interactive way to set preferences. First run the following command:

using PreferenceTools

Then in the pkg mode (press ] in the REPL), run the following command:

pkg> preference add Lux <preference-name>=<value>

Lux.jl relies on several preferences to make decision on how to run your code. Here is an exhaustive list of preferences that Lux.jl uses.

Nested Automatic Differentiation

  1. automatic_nested_ad_switching - Set this to false to disable automatic switching of backends for nested automatic differentiation. See the manual section on nested automatic differentiation for more details.

GPU-Aware MPI Support

If you are using a custom MPI build that supports CUDA or ROCM, you can use the following preferences with Preferences.jl:

  1. cuda_aware_mpi - Set this to true if your MPI build is CUDA aware.

  2. rocm_aware_mpi - Set this to true if your MPI build is ROCM aware.

By default, both of these preferences are set to false.

GPU Backend Selection

  1. gpu_backend - Set this to bypass the automatic backend selection and use a specific gpu backend. Valid options are "cuda", "rocm", "metal", and "oneapi". This preference needs to be set for LuxDeviceUtils package. It is recommended to use LuxDeviceUtils.gpu_backend! to set this preference.

Automatic Eltype Conversion

  1. eltype_mismatch_handling - Preference controlling what happens when layers get different eltypes as input. See the documentation on match_eltype for more details.

Dispatch Doctor

  1. instability_check - Preference controlling the dispatch doctor. See the documentation on Lux.set_dispatch_doctor_preferences! for more details. The preferences need to be set for LuxCore and LuxLib packages. Both of them default to disable.
  • Setting the LuxCore preference sets the check at the level of LuxCore.apply. This essentially activates the dispatch doctor for all Lux layers.

  • Setting the LuxLib preference sets the check at the level of functional layer of Lux, for example, fused_dense_bias_activation. These functions are supposed to be type stable for common input types and can be used to guarantee type stability.