Training a Neural ODE to Model Gravitational Waveforms
This code is adapted from Astroinformatics/ScientificMachineLearning
The code has been minimally adapted from Keith et. al. 2021 which originally used Flux.jl
Package Imports
using Lux, ComponentArrays, LineSearches, OrdinaryDiffEqLowOrderRK, Optimization,
OptimizationOptimJL, Printf, Random, SciMLSensitivity
using CairoMakie
Precompiling Lux...
521.9 ms ✓ SIMDTypes
559.5 ms ✓ Future
611.2 ms ✓ ConcreteStructs
573.0 ms ✓ Reexport
581.8 ms ✓ OpenLibm_jll
582.7 ms ✓ CEnum
600.8 ms ✓ ArgCheck
610.3 ms ✓ ManualMemory
705.5 ms ✓ CompilerSupportLibraries_jll
750.4 ms ✓ Requires
799.0 ms ✓ Statistics
869.0 ms ✓ EnzymeCore
906.2 ms ✓ ADTypes
479.4 ms ✓ IfElse
515.9 ms ✓ CommonWorldInvalidations
516.8 ms ✓ FastClosures
547.2 ms ✓ StaticArraysCore
644.4 ms ✓ ConstructionBase
1309.7 ms ✓ IrrationalConstants
702.9 ms ✓ JLLWrappers
653.8 ms ✓ NaNMath
840.9 ms ✓ Compat
567.8 ms ✓ ADTypes → ADTypesEnzymeCoreExt
594.4 ms ✓ Adapt
953.1 ms ✓ CpuId
927.0 ms ✓ DocStringExtensions
584.7 ms ✓ DiffResults
564.6 ms ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseLinearAlgebraExt
579.4 ms ✓ ADTypes → ADTypesConstructionBaseExt
1122.3 ms ✓ ThreadingUtilities
496.6 ms ✓ Compat → CompatLinearAlgebraExt
551.9 ms ✓ EnzymeCore → AdaptExt
982.5 ms ✓ Static
659.8 ms ✓ GPUArraysCore
729.2 ms ✓ ArrayInterface
852.6 ms ✓ Hwloc_jll
918.1 ms ✓ OpenSpecFun_jll
2357.8 ms ✓ UnsafeAtomics
831.8 ms ✓ LogExpFunctions
539.4 ms ✓ BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions
519.8 ms ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCoreExt
804.4 ms ✓ Functors
585.9 ms ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceGPUArraysCoreExt
573.8 ms ✓ Atomix
2968.5 ms ✓ MacroTools
1214.7 ms ✓ CPUSummary
1559.6 ms ✓ ChainRulesCore
967.3 ms ✓ MLDataDevices
954.3 ms ✓ CommonSubexpressions
1795.9 ms ✓ StaticArrayInterface
753.0 ms ✓ PolyesterWeave
547.4 ms ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceChainRulesCoreExt
566.0 ms ✓ ADTypes → ADTypesChainRulesCoreExt
1631.9 ms ✓ Setfield
905.3 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesChainRulesCoreExt
626.6 ms ✓ LayoutPointers
639.8 ms ✓ CloseOpenIntervals
1907.8 ms ✓ DispatchDoctor
1392.9 ms ✓ Optimisers
2636.9 ms ✓ Hwloc
1529.1 ms ✓ LogExpFunctions → LogExpFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
446.8 ms ✓ DispatchDoctor → DispatchDoctorEnzymeCoreExt
2937.2 ms ✓ SpecialFunctions
557.1 ms ✓ Optimisers → OptimisersEnzymeCoreExt
559.0 ms ✓ Optimisers → OptimisersAdaptExt
733.5 ms ✓ DispatchDoctor → DispatchDoctorChainRulesCoreExt
1003.1 ms ✓ StrideArraysCore
617.6 ms ✓ DiffRules
1294.4 ms ✓ LuxCore
757.2 ms ✓ Polyester
494.6 ms ✓ LuxCore → LuxCoreMLDataDevicesExt
535.4 ms ✓ LuxCore → LuxCoreSetfieldExt
609.6 ms ✓ LuxCore → LuxCoreEnzymeCoreExt
626.0 ms ✓ LuxCore → LuxCoreFunctorsExt
657.7 ms ✓ LuxCore → LuxCoreChainRulesCoreExt
1848.3 ms ✓ SpecialFunctions → SpecialFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
2850.6 ms ✓ WeightInitializers
7168.6 ms ✓ StaticArrays
598.4 ms ✓ Adapt → AdaptStaticArraysExt
610.8 ms ✓ StaticArrays → StaticArraysStatisticsExt
641.0 ms ✓ StaticArrays → StaticArraysChainRulesCoreExt
643.0 ms ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseStaticArraysExt
667.8 ms ✓ StaticArrayInterface → StaticArrayInterfaceStaticArraysExt
985.2 ms ✓ WeightInitializers → WeightInitializersChainRulesCoreExt
3587.8 ms ✓ ForwardDiff
827.3 ms ✓ ForwardDiff → ForwardDiffStaticArraysExt
3177.2 ms ✓ KernelAbstractions
640.7 ms ✓ KernelAbstractions → LinearAlgebraExt
694.8 ms ✓ KernelAbstractions → EnzymeExt
5232.1 ms ✓ NNlib
799.0 ms ✓ NNlib → NNlibEnzymeCoreExt
902.5 ms ✓ NNlib → NNlibForwardDiffExt
5621.3 ms ✓ LuxLib
9179.5 ms ✓ Lux
94 dependencies successfully precompiled in 34 seconds. 15 already precompiled.
Precompiling ComponentArrays...
858.4 ms ✓ ComponentArrays
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 45 already precompiled.
Precompiling MLDataDevicesComponentArraysExt...
488.3 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesComponentArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 48 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxComponentArraysExt...
493.2 ms ✓ ComponentArrays → ComponentArraysOptimisersExt
1398.5 ms ✓ Lux → LuxComponentArraysExt
1985.4 ms ✓ ComponentArrays → ComponentArraysKernelAbstractionsExt
3 dependencies successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 111 already precompiled.
Precompiling LineSearches...
322.9 ms ✓ UnPack
487.3 ms ✓ OrderedCollections
566.4 ms ✓ Serialization
605.4 ms ✓ FiniteDiff
426.8 ms ✓ Parameters
1637.7 ms ✓ Distributed
1002.4 ms ✓ NLSolversBase
1756.6 ms ✓ LineSearches
8 dependencies successfully precompiled in 5 seconds. 35 already precompiled.
Precompiling FiniteDiffStaticArraysExt...
581.0 ms ✓ FiniteDiff → FiniteDiffStaticArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 21 already precompiled.
Precompiling OrdinaryDiffEqLowOrderRK...
512.1 ms ✓ CommonSolve
511.0 ms ✓ DataValueInterfaces
538.5 ms ✓ IteratorInterfaceExtensions
542.8 ms ✓ FastPower
559.8 ms ✓ MuladdMacro
572.2 ms ✓ SimpleUnPack
588.0 ms ✓ ExprTools
586.2 ms ✓ CompositionsBase
602.0 ms ✓ EnumX
607.9 ms ✓ DataAPI
654.3 ms ✓ SciMLStructures
698.6 ms ✓ InverseFunctions
838.7 ms ✓ TruncatedStacktraces
931.0 ms ✓ FunctionWrappers
503.7 ms ✓ TableTraits
596.9 ms ✓ RuntimeGeneratedFunctions
559.8 ms ✓ CompositionsBase → CompositionsBaseInverseFunctionsExt
572.8 ms ✓ InverseFunctions → InverseFunctionsDatesExt
618.0 ms ✓ LogExpFunctions → LogExpFunctionsInverseFunctionsExt
1329.4 ms ✓ FillArrays
423.7 ms ✓ FunctionWrappersWrappers
806.7 ms ✓ FastPower → FastPowerForwardDiffExt
844.0 ms ✓ FastBroadcast
993.0 ms ✓ PreallocationTools
427.8 ms ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysStatisticsExt
887.5 ms ✓ Tables
1699.5 ms ✓ RecipesBase
1849.6 ms ✓ DataStructures
2218.6 ms ✓ Accessors
837.9 ms ✓ Accessors → LinearAlgebraExt
1495.0 ms ✓ SymbolicIndexingInterface
1840.8 ms ✓ SciMLOperators
531.1 ms ✓ SciMLOperators → SciMLOperatorsStaticArraysCoreExt
2078.5 ms ✓ RecursiveArrayTools
738.1 ms ✓ RecursiveArrayTools → RecursiveArrayToolsForwardDiffExt
743.7 ms ✓ RecursiveArrayTools → RecursiveArrayToolsFastBroadcastExt
12256.3 ms ✓ MLStyle
7649.3 ms ✓ Expronicon
11214.3 ms ✓ SciMLBase
5888.1 ms ✓ DiffEqBase
4497.3 ms ✓ OrdinaryDiffEqCore
1435.2 ms ✓ OrdinaryDiffEqCore → OrdinaryDiffEqCoreEnzymeCoreExt
4051.9 ms ✓ OrdinaryDiffEqLowOrderRK
43 dependencies successfully precompiled in 47 seconds. 82 already precompiled.
Precompiling StaticArraysExt...
630.0 ms ✓ Accessors → StaticArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 18 already precompiled.
Precompiling MLDataDevicesRecursiveArrayToolsExt...
570.8 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesRecursiveArrayToolsExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 47 already precompiled.
Precompiling ComponentArraysRecursiveArrayToolsExt...
656.5 ms ✓ ComponentArrays → ComponentArraysRecursiveArrayToolsExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 69 already precompiled.
Precompiling ComponentArraysSciMLBaseExt...
939.5 ms ✓ SciMLBase → SciMLBaseChainRulesCoreExt
1068.9 ms ✓ ComponentArrays → ComponentArraysSciMLBaseExt
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 97 already precompiled.
Precompiling DiffEqBaseChainRulesCoreExt...
1459.7 ms ✓ DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseChainRulesCoreExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 125 already precompiled.
Precompiling MLDataDevicesFillArraysExt...
436.3 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesFillArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 15 already precompiled.
Precompiling Optimization...
458.6 ms ✓ SuiteSparse_jll
458.9 ms ✓ ProgressLogging
526.9 ms ✓ AbstractTrees
545.8 ms ✓ LoggingExtras
651.7 ms ✓ L_BFGS_B_jll
869.8 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface
884.5 ms ✓ ProgressMeter
416.6 ms ✓ LeftChildRightSiblingTrees
529.0 ms ✓ LBFGSB
482.8 ms ✓ ConsoleProgressMonitor
641.5 ms ✓ TerminalLoggers
3677.2 ms ✓ SparseArrays
631.7 ms ✓ SuiteSparse
652.6 ms ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceSparseArraysExt
681.2 ms ✓ Statistics → SparseArraysExt
700.7 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceSparseArraysExt
730.0 ms ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysSparseArraysExt
834.3 ms ✓ SciMLOperators → SciMLOperatorsSparseArraysExt
892.2 ms ✓ RecursiveArrayTools → RecursiveArrayToolsSparseArraysExt
1226.1 ms ✓ SparseMatrixColorings
860.5 ms ✓ PDMats
862.7 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceSparseMatrixColoringsExt
650.8 ms ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysPDMatsExt
3577.9 ms ✓ SparseConnectivityTracer
2135.3 ms ✓ OptimizationBase
1956.7 ms ✓ Optimization
26 dependencies successfully precompiled in 13 seconds. 78 already precompiled.
Precompiling ChainRulesCoreSparseArraysExt...
635.7 ms ✓ ChainRulesCore → ChainRulesCoreSparseArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 11 already precompiled.
Precompiling SparseArraysExt...
911.1 ms ✓ KernelAbstractions → SparseArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 26 already precompiled.
Precompiling MLDataDevicesSparseArraysExt...
643.4 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesSparseArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 17 already precompiled.
Precompiling FiniteDiffSparseArraysExt...
614.0 ms ✓ FiniteDiff → FiniteDiffSparseArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 16 already precompiled.
Precompiling DiffEqBaseSparseArraysExt...
1539.3 ms ✓ DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseSparseArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 125 already precompiled.
Precompiling DifferentiationInterfaceFiniteDiffExt...
426.4 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceFiniteDiffExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 15 already precompiled.
Precompiling DifferentiationInterfaceChainRulesCoreExt...
412.3 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceChainRulesCoreExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 0 seconds. 11 already precompiled.
Precompiling DifferentiationInterfaceStaticArraysExt...
595.0 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceStaticArraysExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 10 already precompiled.
Precompiling DifferentiationInterfaceForwardDiffExt...
777.7 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceForwardDiffExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 28 already precompiled.
Precompiling SparseConnectivityTracerSpecialFunctionsExt...
1182.7 ms ✓ SparseConnectivityTracer → SparseConnectivityTracerLogExpFunctionsExt
1546.7 ms ✓ SparseConnectivityTracer → SparseConnectivityTracerSpecialFunctionsExt
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 26 already precompiled.
Precompiling SparseConnectivityTracerNNlibExt...
1613.6 ms ✓ SparseConnectivityTracer → SparseConnectivityTracerNNlibExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 46 already precompiled.
Precompiling SparseConnectivityTracerNaNMathExt...
1236.7 ms ✓ SparseConnectivityTracer → SparseConnectivityTracerNaNMathExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 18 already precompiled.
Precompiling OptimizationFiniteDiffExt...
373.4 ms ✓ OptimizationBase → OptimizationFiniteDiffExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 97 already precompiled.
Precompiling OptimizationForwardDiffExt...
623.6 ms ✓ OptimizationBase → OptimizationForwardDiffExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 110 already precompiled.
Precompiling OptimizationMLDataDevicesExt...
1351.4 ms ✓ OptimizationBase → OptimizationMLDataDevicesExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 97 already precompiled.
Precompiling HwlocTrees...
520.2 ms ✓ Hwloc → HwlocTrees
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 10 already precompiled.
Precompiling OptimizationOptimJL...
350.7 ms ✓ PtrArrays
406.3 ms ✓ StatsAPI
473.8 ms ✓ PositiveFactorizations
467.5 ms ✓ Missings
528.5 ms ✓ SortingAlgorithms
451.8 ms ✓ AliasTables
2170.1 ms ✓ StatsBase
3080.1 ms ✓ Optim
12184.7 ms ✓ OptimizationOptimJL
9 dependencies successfully precompiled in 18 seconds. 131 already precompiled.
Precompiling SciMLSensitivity...
553.1 ms ✓ StructIO
556.0 ms ✓ RealDot
593.6 ms ✓ HashArrayMappedTries
600.4 ms ✓ PoissonRandom
669.5 ms ✓ Scratch
823.0 ms ✓ AbstractFFTs
942.7 ms ✓ SparseInverseSubset
1172.3 ms ✓ StructArrays
1355.3 ms ✓ RandomNumbers
1416.6 ms ✓ OffsetArrays
1441.2 ms ✓ Cassette
844.4 ms ✓ Rmath_jll
895.2 ms ✓ oneTBB_jll
1509.2 ms ✓ KLU
907.9 ms ✓ ResettableStacks
1902.0 ms ✓ FastLapackInterface
1489.4 ms ✓ ZygoteRules
1618.4 ms ✓ LazyArtifacts
559.8 ms ✓ ScopedValues
1216.7 ms ✓ HostCPUFeatures
1564.4 ms ✓ QuadGK
915.4 ms ✓ AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsChainRulesCoreExt
3226.2 ms ✓ TimerOutputs
1951.9 ms ✓ HypergeometricFunctions
888.1 ms ✓ StructArrays → StructArraysAdaptExt
2869.0 ms ✓ IRTools
1226.4 ms ✓ StructArrays → StructArraysSparseArraysExt
613.4 ms ✓ StructArrays → StructArraysLinearAlgebraExt
1156.3 ms ✓ StructArrays → StructArraysStaticArraysExt
1103.3 ms ✓ StructArrays → StructArraysGPUArraysCoreExt
698.6 ms ✓ Accessors → StructArraysExt
630.4 ms ✓ OffsetArrays → OffsetArraysAdaptExt
937.7 ms ✓ RecursiveArrayTools → RecursiveArrayToolsStructArraysExt
727.6 ms ✓ StaticArrayInterface → StaticArrayInterfaceOffsetArraysExt
752.1 ms ✓ FunctionProperties
1183.6 ms ✓ Random123
3059.5 ms ✓ ObjectFile
1271.7 ms ✓ Rmath
5017.5 ms ✓ Test
1888.8 ms ✓ IntelOpenMP_jll
4421.1 ms ✓ SciMLJacobianOperators
2176.2 ms ✓ Enzyme_jll
2155.7 ms ✓ LLVMExtra_jll
860.7 ms ✓ InverseFunctions → InverseFunctionsTestExt
927.3 ms ✓ Accessors → TestExt
1358.1 ms ✓ MKL_jll
1658.7 ms ✓ Sparspak
2208.7 ms ✓ StatsFuns
1986.6 ms ✓ AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsTestExt
6462.1 ms ✓ DiffEqCallbacks
952.4 ms ✓ StatsFuns → StatsFunsInverseFunctionsExt
6956.9 ms ✓ Tracker
8820.5 ms ✓ Krylov
1873.3 ms ✓ StatsFuns → StatsFunsChainRulesCoreExt
1390.7 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceTrackerExt
1427.1 ms ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceTrackerExt
1485.9 ms ✓ RecursiveArrayTools → RecursiveArrayToolsTrackerExt
1512.1 ms ✓ FastPower → FastPowerTrackerExt
1611.5 ms ✓ Tracker → TrackerPDMatsExt
2536.9 ms ✓ DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseTrackerExt
7082.4 ms ✓ ChainRules
945.7 ms ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceChainRulesExt
5322.5 ms ✓ Distributions
8391.4 ms ✓ VectorizationBase
7346.3 ms ✓ LLVM
1108.0 ms ✓ SLEEFPirates
1543.8 ms ✓ Distributions → DistributionsChainRulesCoreExt
1546.4 ms ✓ Distributions → DistributionsTestExt
2000.4 ms ✓ DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseDistributionsExt
15173.4 ms ✓ ArrayLayouts
1864.6 ms ✓ UnsafeAtomics → UnsafeAtomicsLLVM
812.1 ms ✓ ArrayLayouts → ArrayLayoutsSparseArraysExt
2483.0 ms ✓ LazyArrays
3930.9 ms ✓ DiffEqNoiseProcess
17622.9 ms ✓ ReverseDiff
1369.5 ms ✓ LazyArrays → LazyArraysStaticArraysExt
4777.4 ms ✓ GPUArrays
3603.1 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceReverseDiffExt
3617.0 ms ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceReverseDiffExt
4636.1 ms ✓ FastPower → FastPowerReverseDiffExt
4631.4 ms ✓ PreallocationTools → PreallocationToolsReverseDiffExt
4829.0 ms ✓ DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseReverseDiffExt
5120.3 ms ✓ DiffEqNoiseProcess → DiffEqNoiseProcessReverseDiffExt
18370.8 ms ✓ GPUCompiler
20831.7 ms ✓ LoopVectorization
1157.7 ms ✓ LoopVectorization → SpecialFunctionsExt
1290.1 ms ✓ LoopVectorization → ForwardDiffExt
3211.8 ms ✓ TriangularSolve
28343.5 ms ✓ Zygote
1584.7 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceZygoteExt
1944.2 ms ✓ Zygote → ZygoteTrackerExt
3300.5 ms ✓ RecursiveArrayTools → RecursiveArrayToolsZygoteExt
3547.1 ms ✓ SciMLBase → SciMLBaseZygoteExt
15036.6 ms ✓ RecursiveFactorization
5402.9 ms ✓ RecursiveArrayTools → RecursiveArrayToolsReverseDiffExt
28380.5 ms ✓ LinearSolve
2492.5 ms ✓ LinearSolve → LinearSolveRecursiveArrayToolsExt
2576.2 ms ✓ LinearSolve → LinearSolveEnzymeExt
4223.3 ms ✓ LinearSolve → LinearSolveKernelAbstractionsExt
193066.6 ms ✓ Enzyme
6096.0 ms ✓ Enzyme → EnzymeGPUArraysCoreExt
6122.5 ms ✓ FastPower → FastPowerEnzymeExt
6133.4 ms ✓ QuadGK → QuadGKEnzymeExt
6191.6 ms ✓ DifferentiationInterface → DifferentiationInterfaceEnzymeExt
6278.3 ms ✓ Enzyme → EnzymeLogExpFunctionsExt
6399.8 ms ✓ Enzyme → EnzymeSpecialFunctionsExt
8386.8 ms ✓ Enzyme → EnzymeStaticArraysExt
11117.9 ms ✓ Enzyme → EnzymeChainRulesCoreExt
7929.6 ms ✓ DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseEnzymeExt
21438.1 ms ✓ SciMLSensitivity
110 dependencies successfully precompiled in 258 seconds. 181 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxLibSLEEFPiratesExt...
2396.8 ms ✓ LuxLib → LuxLibSLEEFPiratesExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 3 seconds. 97 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxLibLoopVectorizationExt...
3919.7 ms ✓ LuxLib → LuxLibLoopVectorizationExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 4 seconds. 105 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxLibEnzymeExt...
1262.7 ms ✓ LuxLib → LuxLibEnzymeExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 130 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxEnzymeExt...
6547.0 ms ✓ Lux → LuxEnzymeExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 7 seconds. 146 already precompiled.
Precompiling OptimizationEnzymeExt...
13022.2 ms ✓ OptimizationBase → OptimizationEnzymeExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 13 seconds. 109 already precompiled.
Precompiling MLDataDevicesTrackerExt...
1148.8 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesTrackerExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 59 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxLibTrackerExt...
993.6 ms ✓ LuxCore → LuxCoreArrayInterfaceTrackerExt
3259.3 ms ✓ LuxLib → LuxLibTrackerExt
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 3 seconds. 100 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxTrackerExt...
2061.7 ms ✓ Lux → LuxTrackerExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 114 already precompiled.
Precompiling ComponentArraysTrackerExt...
1149.1 ms ✓ ComponentArrays → ComponentArraysTrackerExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 70 already precompiled.
Precompiling MLDataDevicesReverseDiffExt...
3365.5 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesReverseDiffExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 3 seconds. 49 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxLibReverseDiffExt...
3285.1 ms ✓ LuxCore → LuxCoreArrayInterfaceReverseDiffExt
4095.8 ms ✓ LuxLib → LuxLibReverseDiffExt
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 4 seconds. 98 already precompiled.
Precompiling ComponentArraysReverseDiffExt...
3450.9 ms ✓ ComponentArrays → ComponentArraysReverseDiffExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 4 seconds. 57 already precompiled.
Precompiling OptimizationReverseDiffExt...
3273.5 ms ✓ OptimizationBase → OptimizationReverseDiffExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 3 seconds. 130 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxReverseDiffExt...
4242.8 ms ✓ Lux → LuxReverseDiffExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 4 seconds. 115 already precompiled.
Precompiling MLDataDevicesChainRulesExt...
822.3 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesChainRulesExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 40 already precompiled.
Precompiling MLDataDevicesZygoteExt...
1525.3 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesGPUArraysExt
1545.9 ms ✓ MLDataDevices → MLDataDevicesZygoteExt
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 108 already precompiled.
Precompiling LuxZygoteExt...
1615.3 ms ✓ WeightInitializers → WeightInitializersGPUArraysExt
2770.7 ms ✓ Lux → LuxZygoteExt
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 3 seconds. 165 already precompiled.
Precompiling ComponentArraysZygoteExt...
1545.1 ms ✓ ComponentArrays → ComponentArraysZygoteExt
1793.8 ms ✓ ComponentArrays → ComponentArraysGPUArraysExt
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 116 already precompiled.
Precompiling OptimizationZygoteExt...
2134.5 ms ✓ OptimizationBase → OptimizationZygoteExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 160 already precompiled.
Precompiling CairoMakie...
568.8 ms ✓ IndirectArrays
607.0 ms ✓ RangeArrays
585.7 ms ✓ PolygonOps
625.0 ms ✓ LaTeXStrings
664.8 ms ✓ GeoFormatTypes
667.4 ms ✓ TriplotBase
668.8 ms ✓ Contour
712.4 ms ✓ StableRNGs
738.5 ms ✓ TensorCore
767.0 ms ✓ PaddedViews
777.1 ms ✓ Observables
800.3 ms ✓ IntervalSets
838.2 ms ✓ RoundingEmulator
891.3 ms ✓ IterTools
624.1 ms ✓ PCRE2_jll
527.1 ms ✓ CRC32c
698.2 ms ✓ Extents
610.3 ms ✓ Ratios
615.6 ms ✓ LazyModules
1297.5 ms ✓ Grisu
706.7 ms ✓ Inflate
664.2 ms ✓ MappedArrays
823.3 ms ✓ TranscodingStreams
650.9 ms ✓ StackViews
1699.9 ms ✓ Format
623.8 ms ✓ RelocatableFolders
569.6 ms ✓ SignedDistanceFields
1028.9 ms ✓ SharedArrays
1028.7 ms ✓ WoodburyMatrices
903.8 ms ✓ Graphite2_jll
936.9 ms ✓ OpenSSL_jll
894.3 ms ✓ Libmount_jll
878.0 ms ✓ LLVMOpenMP_jll
899.3 ms ✓ Bzip2_jll
883.8 ms ✓ Xorg_libXau_jll
903.4 ms ✓ libpng_jll
891.3 ms ✓ libfdk_aac_jll
892.8 ms ✓ Imath_jll
902.7 ms ✓ Giflib_jll
2189.7 ms ✓ AdaptivePredicates
930.7 ms ✓ LAME_jll
1831.4 ms ✓ SimpleTraits
904.6 ms ✓ LERC_jll
894.4 ms ✓ EarCut_jll
921.8 ms ✓ CRlibm_jll
901.9 ms ✓ Ogg_jll
991.7 ms ✓ JpegTurbo_jll
999.1 ms ✓ XZ_jll
967.9 ms ✓ x265_jll
2342.2 ms ✓ UnicodeFun
945.7 ms ✓ Xorg_libXdmcp_jll
957.6 ms ✓ x264_jll
974.1 ms ✓ libaom_jll
952.3 ms ✓ Expat_jll
993.9 ms ✓ Zstd_jll
853.1 ms ✓ Xorg_xtrans_jll
957.6 ms ✓ Opus_jll
983.1 ms ✓ LZO_jll
947.1 ms ✓ Libffi_jll
975.7 ms ✓ Libiconv_jll
1024.4 ms ✓ Libgpg_error_jll
995.6 ms ✓ isoband_jll
3560.0 ms ✓ FixedPointNumbers
915.0 ms ✓ Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll
1033.5 ms ✓ FFTW_jll
968.4 ms ✓ Libuuid_jll
608.4 ms ✓ IntervalSets → IntervalSetsRandomExt
1023.1 ms ✓ FriBidi_jll
631.6 ms ✓ IntervalSets → IntervalSetsStatisticsExt
615.7 ms ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt
645.1 ms ✓ Showoff
710.8 ms ✓ MosaicViews
993.9 ms ✓ AxisAlgorithms
1598.0 ms ✓ FilePathsBase
935.3 ms ✓ Pixman_jll
986.0 ms ✓ FreeType2_jll
1512.1 ms ✓ GeoInterface
993.1 ms ✓ libsixel_jll
1037.2 ms ✓ libvorbis_jll
1102.7 ms ✓ OpenEXR_jll
992.2 ms ✓ Libtiff_jll
1025.1 ms ✓ XML2_jll
966.4 ms ✓ Libgcrypt_jll
713.7 ms ✓ Isoband
624.9 ms ✓ Ratios → RatiosFixedPointNumbersExt
798.3 ms ✓ FilePathsBase → FilePathsBaseMmapExt
1114.3 ms ✓ AxisArrays
1171.4 ms ✓ FilePaths
1013.1 ms ✓ Gettext_jll
1156.8 ms ✓ Fontconfig_jll
3608.3 ms ✓ PkgVersion
1455.0 ms ✓ FreeType
2083.9 ms ✓ ColorTypes
1014.1 ms ✓ XSLT_jll
1764.8 ms ✓ FilePathsBase → FilePathsBaseTestExt
1100.4 ms ✓ Glib_jll
751.4 ms ✓ ColorTypes → StyledStringsExt
2536.3 ms ✓ Interpolations
3571.7 ms ✓ IntervalArithmetic
4967.6 ms ✓ FileIO
707.4 ms ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticIntervalSetsExt
1583.4 ms ✓ Xorg_libxcb_jll
2363.5 ms ✓ ColorVectorSpace
976.1 ms ✓ Xorg_libX11_jll
805.7 ms ✓ ColorVectorSpace → SpecialFunctionsExt
1747.5 ms ✓ QOI
834.4 ms ✓ Xorg_libXext_jll
939.5 ms ✓ Xorg_libXrender_jll
1170.4 ms ✓ Libglvnd_jll
1350.5 ms ✓ Cairo_jll
9643.5 ms ✓ SIMD
6309.0 ms ✓ Colors
1556.5 ms ✓ HarfBuzz_jll
1945.2 ms ✓ libwebp_jll
5878.9 ms ✓ ExactPredicates
8626.5 ms ✓ FFTW
914.8 ms ✓ Graphics
912.6 ms ✓ Animations
940.5 ms ✓ ColorBrewer
966.8 ms ✓ Pango_jll
1041.6 ms ✓ libass_jll
1934.9 ms ✓ OpenEXR
1033.6 ms ✓ FFMPEG_jll
1448.1 ms ✓ Cairo
2349.0 ms ✓ KernelDensity
4485.3 ms ✓ ColorSchemes
13566.2 ms ✓ GeometryBasics
6422.9 ms ✓ DelaunayTriangulation
1570.3 ms ✓ Packing
1757.3 ms ✓ ShaderAbstractions
3102.9 ms ✓ FreeTypeAbstraction
22651.1 ms ✓ Unitful
951.1 ms ✓ Unitful → ConstructionBaseUnitfulExt
1100.0 ms ✓ Unitful → InverseFunctionsUnitfulExt
5716.2 ms ✓ MakieCore
12068.9 ms ✓ Automa
1896.3 ms ✓ Interpolations → InterpolationsUnitfulExt
6966.2 ms ✓ GridLayoutBase
11009.9 ms ✓ PlotUtils
18434.2 ms ✓ ImageCore
2134.1 ms ✓ ImageBase
2747.1 ms ✓ WebP
3653.6 ms ✓ PNGFiles
3727.8 ms ✓ JpegTurbo
10581.3 ms ✓ MathTeXEngine
3896.4 ms ✓ Sixel
2279.3 ms ✓ ImageAxes
1220.7 ms ✓ ImageMetadata
1904.6 ms ✓ Netpbm
50823.9 ms ✓ TiffImages
1274.1 ms ✓ ImageIO
110918.9 ms ✓ Makie
83677.4 ms ✓ CairoMakie
153 dependencies successfully precompiled in 260 seconds. 118 already precompiled.
Precompiling SparseMatrixColoringsColorsExt...
919.3 ms ✓ SparseMatrixColorings → SparseMatrixColoringsColorsExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 29 already precompiled.
Precompiling ZygoteColorsExt...
1787.4 ms ✓ Zygote → ZygoteColorsExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 105 already precompiled.
Precompiling IntervalSetsExt...
989.8 ms ✓ Accessors → IntervalSetsExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 15 already precompiled.
Precompiling IntervalSetsRecipesBaseExt...
591.6 ms ✓ IntervalSets → IntervalSetsRecipesBaseExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 9 already precompiled.
Precompiling UnitfulExt...
611.9 ms ✓ Accessors → UnitfulExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 15 already precompiled.
Precompiling DiffEqBaseUnitfulExt...
1488.3 ms ✓ DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseUnitfulExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 123 already precompiled.
Precompiling NNlibFFTWExt...
884.1 ms ✓ NNlib → NNlibFFTWExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 54 already precompiled.
Precompiling IntervalArithmeticForwardDiffExt...
513.5 ms ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticDiffRulesExt
689.8 ms ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticForwardDiffExt
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 42 already precompiled.
Precompiling IntervalArithmeticRecipesBaseExt...
838.7 ms ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticRecipesBaseExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 31 already precompiled.
Precompiling SciMLBaseMakieExt...
8011.5 ms ✓ SciMLBase → SciMLBaseMakieExt
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 9 seconds. 304 already precompiled.
Define some Utility Functions
This section can be skipped. It defines functions to simulate the model, however, from a scientific machine learning perspective, isn't super relevant.
We need a very crude 2-body path. Assume the 1-body motion is a newtonian 2-body position vector
function one2two(path, m₁, m₂)
M = m₁ + m₂
r₁ = m₂ / M .* path
r₂ = -m₁ / M .* path
return r₁, r₂
one2two (generic function with 1 method)
Next we define a function to perform the change of variables:
@views function soln2orbit(soln, model_params=nothing)
@assert size(soln, 1) ∈ [2, 4] "size(soln,1) must be either 2 or 4"
if size(soln, 1) == 2
χ = soln[1, :]
ϕ = soln[2, :]
@assert length(model_params)==3 "model_params must have length 3 when size(soln,2) = 2"
p, M, e = model_params
χ = soln[1, :]
ϕ = soln[2, :]
p = soln[3, :]
e = soln[4, :]
r = p ./ (1 .+ e .* cos.(χ))
x = r .* cos.(ϕ)
y = r .* sin.(ϕ)
orbit = vcat(x', y')
return orbit
soln2orbit (generic function with 2 methods)
This function uses second-order one-sided difference stencils at the endpoints; see
function d_dt(v::AbstractVector, dt)
a = -3 / 2 * v[1] + 2 * v[2] - 1 / 2 * v[3]
b = (v[3:end] .- v[1:(end - 2)]) / 2
c = 3 / 2 * v[end] - 2 * v[end - 1] + 1 / 2 * v[end - 2]
return [a; b; c] / dt
d_dt (generic function with 1 method)
This function uses second-order one-sided difference stencils at the endpoints; see
function d2_dt2(v::AbstractVector, dt)
a = 2 * v[1] - 5 * v[2] + 4 * v[3] - v[4]
b = v[1:(end - 2)] .- 2 * v[2:(end - 1)] .+ v[3:end]
c = 2 * v[end] - 5 * v[end - 1] + 4 * v[end - 2] - v[end - 3]
return [a; b; c] / (dt^2)
d2_dt2 (generic function with 1 method)
Now we define a function to compute the trace-free moment tensor from the orbit
function orbit2tensor(orbit, component, mass=1)
x = orbit[1, :]
y = orbit[2, :]
Ixx = x .^ 2
Iyy = y .^ 2
Ixy = x .* y
trace = Ixx .+ Iyy
if component[1] == 1 && component[2] == 1
tmp = Ixx .- trace ./ 3
elseif component[1] == 2 && component[2] == 2
tmp = Iyy .- trace ./ 3
tmp = Ixy
return mass .* tmp
function h_22_quadrupole_components(dt, orbit, component, mass=1)
mtensor = orbit2tensor(orbit, component, mass)
mtensor_ddot = d2_dt2(mtensor, dt)
return 2 * mtensor_ddot
function h_22_quadrupole(dt, orbit, mass=1)
h11 = h_22_quadrupole_components(dt, orbit, (1, 1), mass)
h22 = h_22_quadrupole_components(dt, orbit, (2, 2), mass)
h12 = h_22_quadrupole_components(dt, orbit, (1, 2), mass)
return h11, h12, h22
function h_22_strain_one_body(dt::T, orbit) where {T}
h11, h12, h22 = h_22_quadrupole(dt, orbit)
h₊ = h11 - h22
hₓ = T(2) * h12
scaling_const = √(T(π) / 5)
return scaling_const * h₊, -scaling_const * hₓ
function h_22_quadrupole_two_body(dt, orbit1, mass1, orbit2, mass2)
h11_1, h12_1, h22_1 = h_22_quadrupole(dt, orbit1, mass1)
h11_2, h12_2, h22_2 = h_22_quadrupole(dt, orbit2, mass2)
h11 = h11_1 + h11_2
h12 = h12_1 + h12_2
h22 = h22_1 + h22_2
return h11, h12, h22
function h_22_strain_two_body(dt::T, orbit1, mass1, orbit2, mass2) where {T}
# compute (2,2) mode strain from orbits of BH 1 of mass1 and BH2 of mass 2
@assert abs(mass1 + mass2 - 1.0)<1e-12 "Masses do not sum to unity"
h11, h12, h22 = h_22_quadrupole_two_body(dt, orbit1, mass1, orbit2, mass2)
h₊ = h11 - h22
hₓ = T(2) * h12
scaling_const = √(T(π) / 5)
return scaling_const * h₊, -scaling_const * hₓ
function compute_waveform(dt::T, soln, mass_ratio, model_params=nothing) where {T}
@assert mass_ratio≤1 "mass_ratio must be <= 1"
@assert mass_ratio≥0 "mass_ratio must be non-negative"
orbit = soln2orbit(soln, model_params)
if mass_ratio > 0
m₂ = inv(T(1) + mass_ratio)
m₁ = mass_ratio * m₂
orbit₁, orbit₂ = one2two(orbit, m₁, m₂)
waveform = h_22_strain_two_body(dt, orbit₁, m₁, orbit₂, m₂)
waveform = h_22_strain_one_body(dt, orbit)
return waveform
compute_waveform (generic function with 2 methods)
Simulating the True Model
defines system of odes which describes motion of point like particle in schwarzschild background, uses
function RelativisticOrbitModel(u, (p, M, e), t)
χ, ϕ = u
numer = (p - 2 - 2 * e * cos(χ)) * (1 + e * cos(χ))^2
denom = sqrt((p - 2)^2 - 4 * e^2)
χ̇ = numer * sqrt(p - 6 - 2 * e * cos(χ)) / (M * (p^2) * denom)
ϕ̇ = numer / (M * (p^(3 / 2)) * denom)
return [χ̇, ϕ̇]
mass_ratio = 0.0 # test particle
u0 = Float64[π, 0.0] # initial conditions
datasize = 250
tspan = (0.0f0, 6.0f4) # timespace for GW waveform
tsteps = range(tspan[1], tspan[2]; length=datasize) # time at each timestep
dt_data = tsteps[2] - tsteps[1]
dt = 100.0
const ode_model_params = [100.0, 1.0, 0.5]; # p, M, e
Let's simulate the true model and plot the results using OrdinaryDiffEq.jl
prob = ODEProblem(RelativisticOrbitModel, u0, tspan, ode_model_params)
soln = Array(solve(prob, RK4(); saveat=tsteps, dt, adaptive=false))
waveform = first(compute_waveform(dt_data, soln, mass_ratio, ode_model_params))
fig = Figure()
ax = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[1, 1]; xlabel="Time", ylabel="Waveform")
l = lines!(ax, tsteps, waveform; linewidth=2, alpha=0.75)
s = scatter!(ax, tsteps, waveform; marker=:circle, markersize=12, alpha=0.5)
axislegend(ax, [[l, s]], ["Waveform Data"])
Defiing a Neural Network Model
Next, we define the neural network model that takes 1 input (time) and has two outputs. We'll make a function ODE_model
that takes the initial conditions, neural network parameters and a time as inputs and returns the derivatives.
It is typically never recommended to use globals but incase you do use them, make sure to mark them as const
We will deviate from the standard Neural Network initialization and use WeightInitializers.jl
const nn = Chain(Base.Fix1(fast_activation, cos),
Dense(1 => 32, cos; init_weight=truncated_normal(; std=1e-4), init_bias=zeros32),
Dense(32 => 32, cos; init_weight=truncated_normal(; std=1e-4), init_bias=zeros32),
Dense(32 => 2; init_weight=truncated_normal(; std=1e-4), init_bias=zeros32))
ps, st = Lux.setup(Random.default_rng(), nn)
((layer_1 = NamedTuple(), layer_2 = (weight = Float32[-0.00035451187; 0.00012305944; -4.47956f-5; -0.00021376916; 0.00024771615; -8.896096f-5; 0.00012256819; -8.663922f-5; 1.546846f-5; 0.000225429; -5.0287956f-5; 8.178905f-5; -1.2839296f-5; 4.3325093f-5; 0.00015184835; -9.470325f-6; 4.7278703f-5; 7.3452015f-6; 0.00023921582; 1.1624208f-5; -9.617603f-5; -1.3544706f-5; 4.3803055f-5; 1.179501f-5; -0.00023408547; -2.4374833f-5; -4.193113f-5; -8.302854f-6; -7.9143356f-5; 8.490043f-5; -0.00015441999; 6.0662154f-5;;], bias = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), layer_3 = (weight = Float32[-0.000114520684 -0.00013848042 -9.202509f-5 0.00012077553 7.124999f-5 3.341702f-5 0.000170205 0.0001290745 3.290541f-5 -0.00024619806 -9.410701f-6 -6.562642f-5 -0.00017502838 9.261528f-5 -9.655105f-5 -2.4985706f-5 0.00011493336 -1.7004622f-5 2.7541137f-5 0.00025132965 -0.00020233454 7.245152f-5 -4.63413f-5 4.215635f-5 -8.705389f-5 1.418277f-5 7.02342f-5 -2.3968274f-5 -9.1746515f-5 -0.00013154736 4.871153f-5 -0.00016490958; -3.060684f-5 -0.000130343 3.9651935f-5 -0.00012274373 -5.342032f-5 4.6230787f-5 -2.2170156f-5 9.043698f-5 0.00013606738 -0.00011510703 -4.7840378f-5 7.464463f-5 0.000107438806 5.0444698f-5 -0.00015396989 -3.7023947f-5 -1.4183406f-5 7.115689f-5 8.756442f-6 0.00016767625 -0.0001918184 -0.00012209443 5.2115294f-5 -4.1342784f-5 0.00025053468 -2.688194f-5 6.768685f-5 -8.027492f-5 -6.339164f-5 0.00013069803 0.00024881522 5.6808247f-5; 7.1224495f-5 8.821925f-5 -7.940321f-6 -2.9558998f-5 -5.0977138f-5 0.00020236673 8.9410976f-5 -0.00010088622 8.106341f-5 -2.5423713f-5 8.6888394f-5 -0.000104708975 -9.1786715f-5 2.2633289f-5 -4.4618107f-5 0.00023760222 0.000116731855 0.00011393221 0.00016018795 -8.5910266f-5 -1.3230586f-5 -1.3100509f-5 7.3383526f-5 -0.00014469613 2.0704013f-6 -1.1129663f-5 -9.032906f-6 -4.686854f-5 -0.00027922308 2.8369237f-5 5.628329f-7 -3.1528096f-5; -3.3022046f-5 7.8954836f-5 3.847738f-5 -6.601873f-5 3.394275f-6 0.00019252431 -3.152384f-5 -7.025843f-6 -9.501956f-5 -7.037299f-5 2.0340494f-5 -1.9288776f-5 -4.0427374f-5 0.00011786258 1.7927921f-5 -8.466192f-5 -4.78614f-5 -0.0001277995 0.00018509885 0.00011189365 6.0820938f-5 1.3008668f-5 -5.3076856f-5 -4.5028602f-5 -0.00011286054 0.0001687053 -9.750325f-5 5.117369f-5 3.4411634f-5 -3.708711f-5 5.5689652f-5 -3.431719f-5; -8.080237f-5 0.00016294215 2.0392616f-5 2.7564787f-5 0.00020874459 0.000104553495 -1.295893f-5 -6.0997467f-5 -3.657964f-5 5.3385294f-5 9.012242f-5 -0.00011279546 1.4259413f-5 -5.8251873f-5 3.22629f-5 -8.7901964f-5 2.1454342f-5 4.5421122f-5 1.41199f-5 -0.00018007158 7.836449f-5 4.476224f-6 -5.7509023f-6 -5.03938f-5 -0.00010279487 -0.00015593228 9.581352f-5 -6.4170636f-5 -1.9345269f-5 0.00018286935 5.862582f-5 -3.090786f-5; 1.9686402f-5 2.0516529f-5 2.3827612f-5 5.16093f-5 -2.9737414f-5 7.5508004f-5 0.00015311175 -6.391001f-5 1.0158377f-5 1.1877551f-5 6.683674f-5 -5.5191813f-5 0.00010139969 1.2271078f-5 -2.2539936f-5 0.00011671255 6.8951695f-6 5.4385317f-5 -8.563531f-5 6.721329f-5 -2.6325954f-5 -0.00016925638 -7.289864f-5 3.4783985f-5 -6.2936386f-5 1.1288249f-5 7.0091985f-5 0.00022989717 4.1607714f-6 6.83796f-6 4.183793f-5 5.7699992f-5; -5.4870143f-5 -8.6687585f-5 2.7562268f-5 -9.8238736f-5 -2.49958f-6 -5.2880197f-5 -0.0001386527 0.000105664265 -2.9228166f-5 1.2778679f-5 -8.78309f-5 -4.9334083f-8 -8.863968f-6 0.00015939494 -5.8812715f-5 5.482033f-5 -0.00011425951 -0.00013075038 -4.982085f-5 -1.3665372f-5 3.5933055f-5 -5.8984853f-5 0.00015442228 4.7140617f-5 -6.5614295f-5 0.00019575538 6.0598035f-5 -6.8550245f-5 -2.271584f-5 -8.225619f-5 -0.00010124532 0.00013589986; 0.00022899859 -0.00026017582 2.5005513f-6 -4.4472436f-5 -5.8335605f-5 2.7734508f-5 3.7291484f-5 -4.907217f-5 -1.0309094f-6 9.5351636f-5 0.00010130311 -8.407879f-5 8.868591f-5 0.0001120178 -3.0164052f-5 0.00010594228 0.00014493309 -6.332947f-5 -0.00013518656 -1.6962954f-6 0.00012320148 -4.0668074f-5 0.0001166797 -0.00014683136 -7.94116f-6 -0.00011442502 -2.4870962f-5 0.0001635974 -0.000102423044 -4.908705f-5 -2.5556816f-5 -0.00013608536; 6.490893f-5 0.00023562831 -0.00010116356 0.000103861974 -6.837685f-5 -2.4135702f-6 -6.160531f-5 5.192945f-6 -8.959271f-5 -1.8030672f-5 0.0001144991 6.4045555f-5 -0.00017068179 0.0001933901 0.00017027151 -6.889298f-6 -0.00024959093 -7.611594f-5 -0.0001820076 1.9422268f-5 -9.774791f-5 5.0664865f-5 -0.00011190944 0.00010395662 -8.697939f-5 -2.5117273f-5 0.00021418123 -0.0002665471 -1.0948391f-5 8.6017035f-6 3.7185808f-5 0.00012518158; 5.2570886f-5 2.0303125f-5 -1.7018036f-5 -0.00015910766 -0.00020834697 -0.00014990044 -4.541207f-5 4.260502f-5 4.592196f-5 -7.6571145f-5 -0.00015194395 4.152233f-6 0.000104480205 9.380127f-5 0.00012722898 2.4737365f-5 -9.403711f-5 9.839267f-6 1.8640054f-5 9.2416194f-5 -0.00011511741 5.4889788f-5 0.00011916444 -0.0001689227 0.000113129834 -5.4367927f-5 3.2908563f-5 3.305205f-5 -6.1015697f-5 -3.0387178f-5 9.269374f-6 0.00013089106; -7.435604f-5 -0.00010936278 -0.00020639952 -1.4192218f-5 5.6311455f-5 4.6071316f-5 0.00014141579 -0.00016377891 -0.00018643467 -0.00014320451 -3.1861582f-6 6.95305f-5 1.5848596f-5 0.00014216412 0.00013241476 -5.7902056f-5 -2.7370288f-5 -3.2748321f-6 -0.000127199 4.461159f-5 2.1983105f-5 -0.00014105382 -0.00010654002 -3.8046834f-5 -0.000178965 2.8777353f-5 -3.1170795f-5 5.584608f-5 -0.00019840807 -7.342579f-5 2.8115657f-5 2.2889404f-5; 0.00021989513 -5.9555652f-5 3.5923666f-5 -4.9055066f-5 -9.330329f-5 4.5817265f-5 0.00010718708 1.2733852f-5 0.00013480824 -3.8543607f-5 -1.768731f-5 -0.00010670698 5.9706897f-5 -0.00012849974 2.3099254f-5 8.5649364f-5 -3.7201356f-5 0.0001392615 -0.00012154463 -6.604127f-5 4.341335f-5 0.000109764376 -5.113506f-5 9.913965f-5 -5.9139256f-5 4.6783494f-5 -0.00014643339 -5.8965245f-5 6.157585f-5 0.00011588598 -7.726194f-5 0.00017471866; -7.3933086f-5 -0.00014048938 2.7924787f-5 2.9121515f-5 1.1139975f-5 4.9349448f-5 -1.2026331f-6 -1.808668f-5 7.6324905f-5 -6.081343f-5 7.208495f-5 1.28784795f-5 -4.9570954f-5 -0.00010116009 8.058373f-5 0.00020653149 -9.825284f-5 3.9703596f-6 3.078525f-5 7.6355274f-5 -7.389548f-5 -2.7341841f-6 -0.00010438703 3.3532993f-5 3.4182696f-5 0.00011858072 -9.656045f-5 -0.00020618511 -1.941587f-6 -2.8757666f-5 4.7687183f-5 0.00017968888; 1.8269682f-5 -0.00014559363 -4.7791123f-6 2.1587477f-5 3.4997163f-5 -2.7849363f-5 0.00010368566 -1.955305f-6 0.0001025131 0.00021218741 -0.00016629249 -0.000117723255 9.199767f-6 3.4583427f-5 0.00012848742 -4.3801272f-5 3.2901247f-5 -2.9224517f-5 0.00013114241 3.834362f-5 -0.00014351969 0.000117525364 -1.6893431f-5 2.879524f-5 0.0001446369 -8.577531f-6 2.2952248f-5 3.826092f-5 0.00013937152 -3.9551283f-5 -1.2261295f-5 7.4514166f-5; -3.436131f-5 0.00015703411 -0.00011595065 -1.3471414f-5 -0.00024189247 -0.00013308585 4.1637963f-5 -0.00018994634 9.242457f-5 -6.400195f-5 0.00016502717 -9.879281f-5 3.515683f-5 0.000105505365 -9.599968f-5 2.4505829f-5 2.8775949f-5 -6.715069f-5 -1.0926088f-5 1.1551226f-5 6.278699f-5 5.2449504f-5 -0.0001290853 -6.119741f-5 -3.813294f-5 2.0964875f-5 -0.000103640465 -8.992951f-5 -2.7614495f-5 1.6467413f-5 -9.216978f-6 -1.6263311f-5; 6.3992666f-5 2.8303404f-5 -7.058698f-5 -6.4111264f-5 -8.9302936f-5 0.00013145324 4.198067f-6 4.393813f-5 -0.00021517879 -6.0838513f-5 4.5932036f-5 0.00023059145 0.000134711 -0.000110608446 -2.2691787f-5 -0.00017132665 -1.2814047f-5 4.412289f-5 2.8224518f-5 9.883021f-5 4.86554f-5 7.7886885f-5 -0.00014707753 -8.9049594f-5 -7.806018f-5 2.6989754f-5 1.9674748f-5 -0.00015240311 0.00018714943 -1.9140529f-5 -5.7587098f-5 0.00018723364; -6.561679f-5 -8.715789f-5 -0.00016229284 0.00012438899 -9.5845935f-5 0.00011212904 -7.526934f-5 0.0001436052 3.9900267f-5 -6.05148f-6 3.7592345f-5 0.00013053347 0.0001652363 3.549034f-5 0.00013788002 -2.80781f-6 -2.5008318f-5 8.812383f-5 -3.3307453f-5 0.00014360796 -6.720692f-5 0.00010688343 1.3997472f-6 5.3254535f-5 -2.2844224f-5 3.4521447f-5 -1.04804f-5 0.00015380383 -6.292082f-5 8.1769496f-5 9.476728f-5 -1.5075793f-5; 0.00012479779 -4.7548034f-5 0.00016015704 8.2025625f-5 -2.9155188f-5 -3.6890204f-5 -9.1310474f-5 5.8285f-6 7.206973f-5 9.23479f-5 -0.00012312869 8.2374f-6 -1.4733489f-5 -4.2605593f-6 4.132883f-6 -0.0001268423 2.180391f-5 3.9852803f-5 -1.0411522f-5 -6.611989f-5 0.000116306524 0.0001014601 -4.6906174f-5 0.00013715545 -5.1657444f-5 1.5270554f-6 0.00016788764 2.1442203f-5 2.6125686f-5 -0.00021497726 9.2628015f-6 7.744831f-5; 0.0001928854 5.3905653f-5 8.5093525f-5 9.9881734f-5 -8.443659f-5 0.00016111601 -7.1366885f-5 1.789783f-5 -0.0001419461 -1.8098068f-5 0.00016113788 9.1450325f-5 0.0001240677 -9.6112446f-5 -0.00016948592 -5.8895985f-5 -0.00011697408 7.940735f-5 -6.485199f-5 -1.929707f-6 -2.6680416f-5 9.1147034f-5 7.031067f-5 -4.4108947f-5 0.00012762082 4.6326954f-6 0.00014616137 0.00011158398 -0.00018401584 0.00012765548 -5.540245f-5 8.81246f-5; -0.00018870646 8.058671f-6 -2.7421383f-5 -7.29787f-5 3.4902878f-5 -8.904304f-6 -4.687136f-5 0.0001303123 -5.6001874f-5 8.730454f-5 0.00016647339 5.5683213f-5 -0.00017353434 8.295419f-5 -1.0463559f-5 -4.752293f-5 0.0001213367 -7.5680764f-5 6.026287f-5 0.00016147044 -1.4694869f-5 -6.243534f-5 -0.00024703066 -0.00013938395 7.529231f-5 6.342445f-5 1.3307471f-5 0.00016127864 4.4021854f-5 -2.9289777f-5 0.00018796233 0.00012368632; 9.987037f-5 -0.00015895317 -9.446141f-5 2.5297644f-5 1.2172694f-5 0.000117317046 -6.766293f-5 0.000110978865 -2.8912329f-5 -6.071358f-6 0.00016589098 8.159264f-5 3.6572656f-5 4.1540592f-5 2.8835551f-5 7.88581f-5 -8.468651f-6 -8.4307605f-5 -6.8309523f-6 0.0001247905 0.00010224917 -6.354727f-5 -0.000109770546 -5.1790543f-5 3.736858f-6 8.844245f-6 -0.00023486828 -6.2645144f-5 7.730008f-5 9.047148f-5 -8.1209255f-5 2.9615767f-5; 7.361618f-5 -0.0002219387 6.0625982f-5 0.00012134751 6.873941f-5 7.7875295f-5 0.0001201086 2.1556787f-5 2.558681f-5 -0.00011934372 8.8763234f-5 0.00017386209 0.00012572609 0.00013740535 8.2376886f-5 0.0001126525 0.00017001122 -0.0002135586 4.7240403f-5 -0.00017618005 -0.00014410514 -7.401366f-6 3.448017f-5 -1.1494119f-5 -9.006308f-6 6.520169f-5 3.269356f-5 2.9680392f-5 3.203428f-5 7.1199545f-5 -0.00014355736 -8.49123f-5; -0.00011997481 -0.0001951878 0.00013302521 -0.00021386927 0.00010358683 -5.692237f-5 -1.5454718f-5 -2.237364f-5 -5.2697393f-5 0.00016092167 -9.353988f-5 0.00014190341 0.00013522174 0.0001097051 1.0104674f-5 -9.9125435f-5 -0.00012332592 -1.6242057f-5 3.192246f-5 -4.76906f-6 -2.8686265f-5 -0.0001452162 -3.984255f-5 -4.792286f-5 5.7559566f-5 -0.00012657855 0.00017578276 0.0001436806 -2.7067545f-5 0.0001374639 -9.228523f-5 -7.427911f-5; 0.00012213546 -5.495566f-5 7.4183845f-5 -5.691836f-5 3.992031f-5 -7.077082f-5 3.9671853f-5 -4.2512995f-5 -5.7070774f-5 2.1918566f-5 -3.0372734f-5 -6.3599786f-5 -3.0010322f-5 0.00018803007 0.00012205262 2.1484799f-5 -1.9281413f-5 8.380848f-5 -0.00011486169 -6.709466f-5 -0.00010338425 -6.0889095f-5 4.285075f-5 2.8457443f-6 -3.174888f-5 -0.000116891584 3.7318743f-5 -0.00026279787 0.00011207496 4.109838f-5 -3.8221693f-5 -0.00012393341; -3.8249407f-5 0.00021335312 -7.121011f-5 -0.00019529372 -0.0001428244 -8.593459f-5 1.691615f-5 8.295374f-6 5.441529f-5 -0.00014542436 5.097662f-5 -5.1818115f-5 0.00014574919 6.3270316f-5 -6.239575f-5 4.420986f-5 -8.269978f-6 -3.226612f-5 1.018125f-5 0.00010509343 0.00021903923 -5.800004f-5 -6.130946f-5 8.634891f-6 -3.4572116f-5 8.495656f-5 7.629631f-6 6.3275314f-5 9.0517715f-5 -8.552308f-6 4.2784446f-5 6.753797f-5; -0.00012073981 1.3142072f-5 -8.662908f-5 6.165345f-5 -8.69245f-5 -8.45611f-5 -1.11818f-5 5.8127553f-5 0.00022382259 -4.7103204f-5 -6.777693f-5 -5.6588375f-5 -0.00015291451 -8.2155304f-5 -9.525463f-5 7.658776f-6 -3.8066075f-5 2.7624508f-5 2.2008633f-6 7.8063065f-5 -0.00013803421 6.432458f-5 1.3627009f-5 -0.00015849865 5.1883824f-5 6.9290625f-5 1.600162f-5 4.7354442f-5 8.904307f-7 0.00014776218 -0.00024169624 -6.6706025f-6; -3.605546f-5 7.678735f-6 0.00013345972 -9.463111f-5 -0.00012580928 -4.4115874f-5 -4.5883295f-5 9.862664f-5 -8.078986f-5 -5.1096442f-5 1.0166833f-5 2.1399956f-6 -4.6256915f-5 0.00013576985 -4.429457f-5 -4.302725f-5 -6.8362286f-5 -5.675314f-5 -7.2747025f-5 -8.45051f-5 -4.5778717f-5 -5.6815814f-5 -8.981162f-5 -9.962245f-5 -6.204273f-5 -2.5207442f-5 -8.939922f-5 8.142915f-5 7.695151f-5 6.436705f-5 -0.0001254491 1.3319711f-5; -2.6837859f-5 0.00015440337 -2.801952f-5 9.5783085f-5 -8.043071f-5 -3.4272645f-5 2.5979702f-5 0.00013376487 -6.957215f-5 9.87293f-5 4.466132f-5 -4.522206f-5 -4.919238f-5 4.8600946f-6 -4.0119598f-5 3.8159073f-5 0.0001752991 4.1652005f-5 0.00013511795 6.609762f-5 7.080517f-5 -3.4588247f-5 0.00021624638 -0.00013330675 -1.1391526f-5 1.7741553f-5 -5.9226884f-5 -0.00014456651 0.0001360635 7.080743f-5 0.00011928594 -9.6866956f-5; 9.034871f-6 -7.9155674f-5 -8.378623f-5 4.7364224f-6 -4.537426f-5 -3.9418286f-5 4.5815985f-5 0.00012134043 3.6407873f-5 5.3485106f-5 0.000102612285 -9.555588f-6 8.398155f-5 0.0001153842 -1.4841729f-5 -0.00012991464 0.00019128033 -3.257624f-5 -0.00018064643 4.0709998f-5 0.0001357797 9.058053f-5 -7.986215f-6 -6.539472f-5 -3.5846242f-5 -0.00017603868 -8.5510874f-5 4.352f-5 4.6621786f-5 -8.1797436f-5 4.5208224f-5 -1.8762983f-5; 5.183917f-5 7.8773526f-5 -8.747506f-5 -0.00014823554 0.00010724657 1.3921974f-5 -5.2934363f-5 0.00012483678 8.900761f-5 3.6402373f-5 -4.0794745f-5 0.000147484 -0.00027135204 -9.4908855f-6 2.3217439f-5 0.000103256025 -0.00020022712 -6.229186f-5 -0.00013086847 0.00013125387 -0.00017820644 -6.379054f-5 -2.9370822f-5 2.9974348f-5 -4.2149702f-5 7.176158f-5 -0.00011747752 -3.9329552f-5 -2.017652f-5 1.0579767f-5 3.4605375f-5 6.4688546f-5; 2.0334712f-5 -5.917159f-5 -5.9680224f-5 1.4029575f-5 0.00014267275 0.00012634574 -3.7432274f-6 1.633025f-5 9.59215f-5 -4.2033178f-5 0.00021072343 -1.6298924f-5 0.00013369798 0.00012089641 5.2267016f-5 1.8141172f-5 0.00017660597 -0.00012930461 -6.490632f-5 8.779915f-5 -7.540158f-5 -7.1441f-5 7.895196f-5 7.3514484f-6 7.088047f-6 -0.00018294774 -0.00016294862 2.7108974f-6 -9.648139f-5 -4.6948267f-6 0.000114984556 5.038157f-5; 2.6166039f-5 7.4558426f-5 2.37038f-5 1.4740224f-5 2.0817533f-5 -0.000115504896 -5.3128704f-5 -0.00012732724 -0.00018881417 -0.00010956107 -8.277295f-5 -0.00012585864 -0.00012160809 4.5432567f-5 6.632455f-5 1.672758f-7 -0.00012721817 -7.152315f-5 -2.6760967f-5 4.8189817f-5 -4.8390024f-7 -6.138626f-5 -0.00016364784 1.7403574f-5 3.970439f-5 -5.030707f-5 -4.4906974f-5 9.3864124f-5 -3.0069139f-5 3.0104593f-5 5.5859473f-5 -3.0052539f-5], bias = Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), layer_4 = (weight = Float32[-9.34239f-6 9.731505f-5 -0.00012951711 3.422109f-5 -0.00013255865 -9.89285f-6 0.00011487931 -5.8151927f-5 8.112972f-5 -0.00012332527 0.00011739858 -9.714126f-7 -5.7621044f-5 -7.702141f-6 -3.719625f-5 2.9102219f-5 -6.0950082f-5 5.0110277f-5 6.211945f-5 2.929023f-5 -3.874281f-5 1.816689f-5 -4.0135692f-5 -4.76482f-5 0.00010782111 -5.994666f-5 9.065922f-5 -2.4671726f-5 -8.164975f-5 4.0463046f-6 2.2177659f-5 -7.480457f-6; 4.892569f-5 5.511858f-5 -9.4315285f-5 -3.8668306f-5 -0.00013849763 -1.7050777f-5 -1.074128f-5 0.00012711101 -8.066394f-5 -0.00014648827 0.00022646789 -1.9933039f-5 -5.8746213f-5 -0.00012611585 -7.994593f-5 0.00018108322 -3.2620184f-5 1.5624094f-6 0.00021138196 -5.7167526f-6 -6.360129f-5 4.1635027f-5 -5.9127025f-5 -0.0001221248 -5.5549892f-5 -0.00013387413 7.0856345f-6 1.1772295f-5 6.1832085f-5 2.4650442f-5 0.00012743461 6.0752365f-5], bias = Float32[0.0, 0.0])), (layer_1 = NamedTuple(), layer_2 = NamedTuple(), layer_3 = NamedTuple(), layer_4 = NamedTuple()))
Similar to most DL frameworks, Lux defaults to using Float32
, however, in this case we need Float64
const params = ComponentArray(ps |> f64)
const nn_model = StatefulLuxLayer{true}(nn, nothing, st)
layer_1 = WrappedFunction(Base.Fix1{typeof(LuxLib.API.fast_activation), typeof(cos)}(LuxLib.API.fast_activation, cos)),
layer_2 = Dense(1 => 32, cos), # 64 parameters
layer_3 = Dense(32 => 32, cos), # 1_056 parameters
layer_4 = Dense(32 => 2), # 66 parameters
) # Total: 1_186 parameters,
# plus 0 states.
Now we define a system of odes which describes motion of point like particle with Newtonian physics, uses
function ODE_model(u, nn_params, t)
χ, ϕ = u
p, M, e = ode_model_params
# In this example we know that `st` is am empty NamedTuple hence we can safely ignore
# it, however, in general, we should use `st` to store the state of the neural network.
y = 1 .+ nn_model([first(u)], nn_params)
numer = (1 + e * cos(χ))^2
denom = M * (p^(3 / 2))
χ̇ = (numer / denom) * y[1]
ϕ̇ = (numer / denom) * y[2]
return [χ̇, ϕ̇]
ODE_model (generic function with 1 method)
Let us now simulate the neural network model and plot the results. We'll use the untrained neural network parameters to simulate the model.
prob_nn = ODEProblem(ODE_model, u0, tspan, params)
soln_nn = Array(solve(prob_nn, RK4(); u0, p=params, saveat=tsteps, dt, adaptive=false))
waveform_nn = first(compute_waveform(dt_data, soln_nn, mass_ratio, ode_model_params))
fig = Figure()
ax = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[1, 1]; xlabel="Time", ylabel="Waveform")
l1 = lines!(ax, tsteps, waveform; linewidth=2, alpha=0.75)
s1 = scatter!(
ax, tsteps, waveform; marker=:circle, markersize=12, alpha=0.5, strokewidth=2)
l2 = lines!(ax, tsteps, waveform_nn; linewidth=2, alpha=0.75)
s2 = scatter!(
ax, tsteps, waveform_nn; marker=:circle, markersize=12, alpha=0.5, strokewidth=2)
axislegend(ax, [[l1, s1], [l2, s2]],
["Waveform Data", "Waveform Neural Net (Untrained)"]; position=:lb)
Setting Up for Training the Neural Network
Next, we define the objective (loss) function to be minimized when training the neural differential equations.
const mseloss = MSELoss()
function loss(θ)
pred = Array(solve(prob_nn, RK4(); u0, p=θ, saveat=tsteps, dt, adaptive=false))
pred_waveform = first(compute_waveform(dt_data, pred, mass_ratio, ode_model_params))
return mseloss(pred_waveform, waveform)
loss (generic function with 1 method)
Warmup the loss function
Now let us define a callback function to store the loss over time
const losses = Float64[]
function callback(θ, l)
push!(losses, l)
@printf "Training \t Iteration: %5d \t Loss: %.10f\n" θ.iter l
return false
callback (generic function with 1 method)
Training the Neural Network
Training uses the BFGS optimizers. This seems to give good results because the Newtonian model seems to give a very good initial guess
adtype = Optimization.AutoZygote()
optf = Optimization.OptimizationFunction((x, p) -> loss(x), adtype)
optprob = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(optf, params)
res = Optimization.solve(
optprob, BFGS(; initial_stepnorm=0.01, linesearch=LineSearches.BackTracking());
callback, maxiters=1000)
retcode: Success
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-3.30214646358536e-5 7.895541754506479e-5 3.847796294095191e-5 -6.601814705690993e-5 3.3948567003775094e-6 0.00019252489407036542 -3.1523257651580975e-5 -7.025261159733866e-6 -9.501897905764872e-5 -7.037240751133092e-5 2.0341076075701986e-5 -1.9288194683477126e-5 -4.042679241437233e-5 0.0001178631643294563 1.792850313605075e-5 -8.466134052768118e-5 -4.786081656974548e-5 -0.00012779892161533 0.0001850994300791164 0.00011189423063725465 6.0821519279406075e-5 1.3009250020978495e-5 -5.3076273919295406e-5 -4.502802069809055e-5 -0.00011285996182168702 0.00016870588266711906 -9.75026708449962e-5 5.11742725090799e-5 3.441221603380633e-5 -3.70865276029603e-5 5.569023384551304e-5 -3.431660691902808e-5; -8.08017684137003e-5 0.00016294274617784755 2.0393215967760215e-5 2.7565387503536997e-5 0.00020874519039742773 0.0001045540958187287 -1.2958329458072733e-5 -6.099686644638644e-5 -3.65790400935112e-5 5.338589479314494e-5 9.012301969441928e-5 -0.00011279485981113015 1.4260012980503187e-5 -5.8251272926736795e-5 3.2263498800871307e-5 -8.790136409124901e-5 2.145494189271585e-5 4.542172253813985e-5 1.4120500131218878e-5 -0.00018007098325660995 7.836508674181276e-5 4.476824491848625e-6 -5.750302003162166e-6 -5.0393198685651485e-5 -0.00010279426707321525 -0.00015593168419918596 9.58141209451238e-5 -6.41700352532098e-5 -1.9344668467694064e-5 0.00018286994971667667 5.862642145465986e-5 -3.090726014825196e-5; 1.9688984415839808e-5 2.051911115306061e-5 2.383019391748391e-5 5.161188101227721e-5 -2.9734831237532782e-5 7.551058597930478e-5 0.00015311432735363127 -6.39074284623117e-5 1.0160959668093801e-5 1.1880132937572324e-5 6.683932524941155e-5 -5.5189230529844146e-5 0.00010140227032428099 1.2273660381134126e-5 -2.2537353921133185e-5 0.00011671513430376965 6.8977517952864725e-6 5.4387898948727766e-5 -8.563272485445895e-5 6.721587060786278e-5 -2.6323371180820884e-5 -0.00016925379959099505 -7.289605918737785e-5 3.478656736154534e-5 -6.293380347016704e-5 1.1290831302568922e-5 7.009456685812501e-5 0.0002298997490510667 4.163353700666028e-6 6.840542304804027e-6 4.184051368102729e-5 5.7702574217209e-5; -5.487148760438274e-5 -8.668893010911991e-5 2.7560923031665302e-5 -9.824008034631673e-5 -2.5009248060234692e-6 -5.288154230078527e-5 -0.00013865404494430402 0.00010566292016443004 -2.9229510486807595e-5 1.2777334036926471e-5 -8.783224498478775e-5 -5.06789118661764e-8 -8.865312933672172e-6 0.00015939359704639653 -5.881405982512167e-5 5.481898674184271e-5 -0.00011426085134593862 -0.00013075172924295256 -4.982219493687646e-5 -1.3666716453777127e-5 3.593171035896269e-5 -5.898619806834678e-5 0.00015442093112647427 4.713927168773304e-5 -6.561563955476173e-5 0.00019575403107005936 6.0596690078050645e-5 -6.855159031551517e-5 -2.271718463311354e-5 -8.22575372280354e-5 -0.00010124666610357436 0.00013589851127613305; 0.00022899848141627778 -0.00026017592148469743 2.5004467809039846e-6 -4.4472540084606734e-5 -5.833570952723564e-5 2.7734403429566754e-5 3.7291379212765145e-5 -4.907227315903654e-5 -1.031013939392385e-6 9.535153099954264e-5 0.00010130300239346889 -8.407889521528053e-5 8.868580795045903e-5 0.00011201769399143723 -3.0164156614555585e-5 0.000105942174796145 0.0001449329839126576 -6.332957394966896e-5 -0.00013518666941286846 -1.6963999221489496e-6 0.0001232013719893432 -4.066817831677423e-5 0.00011667959648570013 -0.00014683146122457502 -7.94126475717259e-6 -0.00011442512453846671 -2.48710666162524e-5 0.0001635972994883913 -0.00010242314869152401 -4.908715613033637e-5 -2.5556920208837417e-5 -0.00013608546845695035; 6.49084693115502e-5 0.00023562784986022343 -0.00010116401904345274 0.00010386151620803332 -6.83773098451814e-5 -2.4140279045496067e-6 -6.160576526856574e-5 5.192487377982532e-6 -8.95931655130237e-5 -1.8031130139953393e-5 0.00011449863882187046 6.4045096905076e-5 -0.00017068224337965992 0.00019338963534134654 0.00017027105127378895 -6.889755923866047e-6 -0.0002495913861374255 -7.611639671343194e-5 -0.0001820080572095503 1.9421810747344998e-5 -9.774836439721896e-5 5.0664407125778526e-5 -0.0001119098953957555 0.00010395616186467186 -8.697984526481414e-5 -2.5117730957235122e-5 0.00021418077153536702 -0.0002665475687998235 -1.0948848513024399e-5 8.601245780639023e-6 3.718535003752055e-5 0.00012518112703143857; 5.2570104584927923e-5 2.0302343968521925e-5 -1.7018816593468614e-5 -0.0001591084389797231 -0.00020834775453794398 -0.00014990122393601657 -4.5412851919083765e-5 4.2604239992666095e-5 4.592117808396654e-5 -7.657192576106558e-5 -0.0001519447348396222 4.1514520166814986e-6 0.00010447942373911575 9.380048619686393e-5 0.0001272281999849838 2.4736583568022605e-5 -9.40378911177557e-5 9.838485552330511e-6 1.8639272879690492e-5 9.241541307755471e-5 -0.0001151181884192773 5.488900684621842e-5 0.00011916365953265458 -0.0001689234875225397 0.00011312905304704043 -5.436870809308518e-5 3.290778228301319e-5 3.305126780514328e-5 -6.10164777167526e-5 -3.0387959428030104e-5 9.26859253422683e-6 0.00013089027676368878; -7.436028854759273e-5 -0.00010936703065729041 -0.0002064037707014405 -1.4196469149263576e-5 5.6307204519767124e-5 4.606706542923702e-5 0.00014141153778562032 -0.00016378316095418696 -0.00018643892135791952 -0.00014320876098551777 -3.190409100210952e-6 6.952624798665238e-5 1.584434548654107e-5 0.00014215987002622087 0.00013241050882878603 -5.790630703181525e-5 -2.7374538970475217e-5 -3.279083014647837e-6 -0.00012720325494498046 4.4607337346817115e-5 2.1978854508202792e-5 -0.0001410580752263266 -0.00010654427196918299 -3.8051084541664704e-5 -0.00017896924864814056 2.8773101891559003e-5 -3.117504629976381e-5 5.5841830632700245e-5 -0.00019841232451930284 -7.343004281486828e-5 2.8111406297273934e-5 2.2885153245585975e-5; 0.00021989671024962257 -5.9554067930355364e-5 3.5925249748488504e-5 -4.905348229913653e-5 -9.33017092127681e-5 4.58188495296932e-5 0.00010718866345015392 1.2735435874871489e-5 0.00013480982836810737 -3.8542022749250195e-5 -1.7685726716790996e-5 -0.00010670539829405493 5.970848163016943e-5 -0.00012849815736515663 2.3100837851605335e-5 8.565094852130732e-5 -3.7199772278454654e-5 0.00013926307822586845 -0.00012154304765391436 -6.603968556262682e-5 4.3414934979606034e-5 0.00010976596043221521 -5.113347485419583e-5 9.914123605014627e-5 -5.9137672152073664e-5 4.678507851096651e-5 -0.00014643180672535883 -5.896366034974469e-5 6.157743139666992e-5 0.00011588756554303198 -7.726035452905526e-5 0.0001747202457674748; -7.393295888892179e-5 -0.0001404892572957119 2.7924914343885686e-5 2.9121642024391924e-5 1.1140102311172467e-5 4.934957544333051e-5 -1.2025057906152794e-6 -1.8086551767054633e-5 7.632503186482718e-5 -6.081330136498863e-5 7.20850767045259e-5 1.2878606890581895e-5 -4.957082635360058e-5 -0.00010115996335502939 8.058386085917862e-5 0.00020653161848326927 -9.825271624708776e-5 3.970486910249028e-6 3.078537704436586e-5 7.63554017119088e-5 -7.389534946400928e-5 -2.734056783309639e-6 -0.00010438690148862304 3.353312060949174e-5 3.41828236066692e-5 0.00011858084692517076 -9.656032123007106e-5 -0.0002061849845397308 -1.941459662929513e-6 -2.8757538506623963e-5 4.768731016679351e-5 0.00017968901013387136; 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6.399282566735617e-5 2.8303564172808293e-5 -7.05868224799745e-5 -6.411110378803171e-5 -8.930277552689926e-5 0.00013145340191432055 4.198227011790486e-6 4.3938289232307726e-5 -0.00021517863213784243 -6.083835258732063e-5 4.593219629487762e-5 0.0002305916131404114 0.00013471115372841065 -0.00011060828554445133 -2.2691627313628066e-5 -0.00017132649380481983 -1.281388730102875e-5 4.412305126198387e-5 2.822467824035312e-5 9.883037265854709e-5 4.865556176401447e-5 7.78870452591107e-5 -0.00014707737144316736 -8.904943395872779e-5 -7.806001675316597e-5 2.698991367243048e-5 1.9674907812721075e-5 -0.00015240295041120793 0.0001871495914342699 -1.9140368826349568e-5 -5.758693813231146e-5 0.00018723380336769656; -6.561309280664146e-5 -8.715419105565329e-5 -0.00016228914180381655 0.00012439268314197555 -9.584223741982261e-5 0.00011213273821786766 -7.526564011195813e-5 0.00014360889465470637 3.9903965011870164e-5 -6.04778231277036e-6 3.7596042170584845e-5 0.0001305371711395395 0.0001652399964995475 3.5494036205742075e-5 0.000137883720094476 -2.804112432460801e-6 -2.5004620033618937e-5 8.812752778332486e-5 -3.33037555493843e-5 0.0001436116595186086 -6.720322423925064e-5 0.00010688712929997383 1.4034448212584582e-6 5.325823215109089e-5 -2.284052650352742e-5 3.452514422398729e-5 -1.0476702732452491e-5 0.00015380753168294008 -6.291712495575673e-5 8.177319389224856e-5 9.477097912612103e-5 -1.5072095698166455e-5; 0.00012479939541803093 -4.754643086780284e-5 0.00016015864312213176 8.202722747372316e-5 -2.915358490865709e-5 -3.6888600878585586e-5 -9.130887119535773e-5 5.830102874467606e-6 7.207133094344643e-5 9.23495048496831e-5 -0.00012312708495154743 8.23900281976228e-6 -1.4731885674690045e-5 -4.258956413095227e-6 4.1344859724618095e-6 -0.00012684069006207974 2.1805512371075047e-5 3.985440562392949e-5 -1.0409919558170274e-5 -6.611828357416775e-5 0.00011630812732765337 0.00010146170316294195 -4.690457135292435e-5 0.00013715705645300801 -5.165584079661096e-5 1.5286582553120446e-6 0.00016788924622379516 2.1443806328181082e-5 2.612728931272443e-5 -0.00021497565976314254 9.264404435814931e-6 7.744991526270458e-5; 0.00019288813792945388 5.390838715684728e-5 8.509625923908683e-5 9.98844684668929e-5 -8.443385876165977e-5 0.000161118745848954 -7.13641506867097e-5 1.7900564229068044e-5 -0.00014194336971411886 -1.809533340422701e-5 0.00016114061737754705 9.145305967978152e-5 0.0001240704282405374 -9.610971163636626e-5 -0.0001694831894259586 -5.889325028545615e-5 -0.00011697134458371089 7.941008381168901e-5 -6.484925823900755e-5 -1.926972560232862e-6 -2.667768193204234e-5 9.114976866259771e-5 7.031340511604587e-5 -4.410621248678702e-5 0.00012762355482988372 4.635429844364106e-6 0.0001461641063666476 0.00011158671123995987 -0.00018401310215848508 0.0001276582174920002 -5.539971378894241e-5 8.812733586966276e-5; -0.00018870497412278917 8.060153716435355e-6 -2.741990034984195e-5 -7.297721573844098e-5 3.490436095749661e-5 -8.902821052391625e-6 -4.6869875647750925e-5 0.00013031378214953897 -5.600039118427002e-5 8.730602597357913e-5 0.00016647486948649138 5.5684695992465176e-5 -0.00017353285626732896 8.29556727084215e-5 -1.0462076049517762e-5 -4.752144856603028e-5 0.00012133818266455767 -7.567928084164068e-5 6.026435469981181e-5 0.00016147192103097997 -1.4693385553177238e-5 -6.243385839034953e-5 -0.0002470291813252609 -0.0001393824652651433 7.529379102639869e-5 6.342593290618452e-5 1.3308954051253477e-5 0.00016128012678827012 4.4023336825273255e-5 -2.9288293505590615e-5 0.0001879638136714475 0.00012368780038094762; 9.987105757070646e-5 -0.00015895248627447904 -9.446071901283313e-5 2.529833280031903e-5 1.2173382926715835e-5 0.00011731773436377537 -6.766223934636829e-5 0.0001109795530986113 -2.8911640513516488e-5 -6.070669244494195e-6 0.0001658916635981844 8.159332817495609e-5 3.657334407517642e-5 4.1541280622649115e-5 2.883623990537973e-5 7.88587904729038e-5 -8.46796221839355e-6 -8.430691643542652e-5 -6.830263758006447e-6 0.00012479119057143991 0.00010224985915311365 -6.354657936998687e-5 -0.00010976985770202327 -5.178985422634563e-5 3.737546491989187e-6 8.8449333609868e-6 -0.00023486758702592075 -6.264445521327709e-5 7.730076784110447e-5 9.04721719755864e-5 -8.120856630075367e-5 2.9616455392268185e-5; 7.361869393162959e-5 -0.00022193618315249433 6.062849388365094e-5 0.00012135002361863464 6.87419251331148e-5 7.787780668842514e-5 0.00012011110993590465 2.15592990567669e-5 2.5589322831021384e-5 -0.00011934120811967984 8.876574611314919e-5 0.0001738646042209585 0.00012572860032343847 0.00013740786562231773 8.237939800856238e-5 0.00011265501416312147 0.00017001373089407942 -0.00021355608441843099 4.7242914660792574e-5 -0.0001761775401977302 -0.00014410263065691304 -7.398853995599042e-6 3.448268216709073e-5 -1.1491606528923532e-5 -9.003795640116667e-6 6.520420174603858e-5 3.269607077492813e-5 2.9682903914019374e-5 3.2036792617524474e-5 7.120205736975153e-5 -0.0001435548529119836 -8.490979053056544e-5; -0.00011997580023300416 -0.00019518878562663105 0.00013302421993288368 -0.00021387025791040919 0.00010358584094506894 -5.6923362906636955e-5 -1.5455710497879274e-5 -2.237463323395834e-5 -5.2698385305087053e-5 0.00016092067798313548 -9.354087106472641e-5 0.00014190241617328795 0.00013522074422511363 0.00010970410639132523 1.0103681772347947e-5 -9.912642727428025e-5 -0.0001233269171352389 -1.6243049147272508e-5 3.192146740917189e-5 -4.77005269928044e-6 -2.868725769800213e-5 -0.0001452171885902891 -3.984354353448225e-5 -4.7923850986956624e-5 5.755857327317813e-5 -0.00012657954667516874 0.00017578176320242844 0.00014367961247629577 -2.706853720879823e-5 0.00013746290332350273 -9.228621948564501e-5 -7.428010158761198e-5; 0.0001221339132801398 -5.4957208888264836e-5 7.418229670041093e-5 -5.69199093686119e-5 3.991876091937574e-5 -7.077236496367342e-5 3.967030515672214e-5 -4.251454284055032e-5 -5.7072322490757845e-5 2.191701769084645e-5 -3.0374281962184528e-5 -6.360133393424473e-5 -3.0011870151402045e-5 0.00018802852154952318 0.00012205106922669313 2.1483250563715e-5 -1.928296133225455e-5 8.380693343245178e-5 -0.00011486323474195022 -6.7096209206984e-5 -0.00010338579723135354 -6.089064318327473e-5 4.284920014218274e-5 2.8441962033229873e-6 -3.1750429300463857e-5 -0.00011689313232888687 3.731719498067001e-5 -0.00026279941648933345 0.00011207341030716031 4.1096833044533814e-5 -3.8223241247357625e-5 -0.00012393495690300193; -3.82482037263508e-5 0.0002133543268986425 -7.120890653697201e-5 -0.00019529251288862167 -0.00014282319601865363 -8.593338565207673e-5 1.691735384281791e-5 8.296577344829081e-6 5.4416493423000804e-5 -0.0001454231576086713 5.097782492283353e-5 -5.181691152630913e-5 0.00014575039245881785 6.327151937638056e-5 -6.239454954868428e-5 4.421106428834325e-5 -8.268774525836527e-6 -3.226491820770599e-5 1.0182453717208086e-5 0.00010509463323740935 0.00021904042956646824 -5.799883796372739e-5 -6.130825635283608e-5 8.636094445487885e-6 -3.4570912920242084e-5 8.495776570397125e-5 7.630834499091145e-6 6.327651795926221e-5 9.051891835168412e-5 -8.55110441863632e-6 4.278564962203338e-5 6.753917410731825e-5; -0.00012074211805125748 1.3139763032312563e-5 -8.663138829411937e-5 6.165114358761827e-5 -8.692680672512599e-5 -8.456340834505414e-5 -1.1184108879889395e-5 5.8125243631586825e-5 0.00022382027713341505 -4.710551253058085e-5 -6.777923659661745e-5 -5.659068370710708e-5 -0.0001529168173508546 -8.215761295992889e-5 -9.525694145826909e-5 7.65646676903679e-6 -3.8068383910069095e-5 2.7622199231915566e-5 2.1985542755679155e-6 7.80607563140043e-5 -0.00013803652360343764 6.432227131903034e-5 1.3624700150319766e-5 -0.0001585009547486729 5.1881515210226614e-5 6.928831611752405e-5 1.599931169060971e-5 4.735213336992862e-5 8.881217379362881e-7 0.0001477598755084203 -0.00024169854692422083 -6.672911476708169e-6; -3.6058895596562236e-5 7.675297644421947e-6 0.0001334562812250329 -9.463454898039247e-5 -0.00012581271857312436 -4.411931058105e-5 -4.5886731634997406e-5 9.86232016718298e-5 -8.079329836012637e-5 -5.1099878867965024e-5 1.0163395933585184e-5 2.1365585841279622e-6 -4.6260352058502266e-5 0.00013576641231945123 -4.4298008100037475e-5 -4.303068544080338e-5 -6.836572264849759e-5 -5.675657575314726e-5 -7.275046208930216e-5 -8.45085405611232e-5 -4.578215429621518e-5 -5.681925085203569e-5 -8.98150565202127e-5 -9.962588500760347e-5 -6.20461678347672e-5 -2.52108793514109e-5 -8.940265524264098e-5 8.142571187514953e-5 7.694807300747269e-5 6.436361309777016e-5 -0.0001254525441193488 1.3316273913614746e-5; -2.6834775083806044e-5 0.00015440645690134588 -2.801643607496036e-5 9.578616915558982e-5 -8.042762895759318e-5 -3.426956139562066e-5 2.598278548859864e-5 0.00013376795574616339 -6.95690625737006e-5 9.873238629250793e-5 4.4664403291551506e-5 -4.521897538622132e-5 -4.918929447127073e-5 4.863178461835769e-6 -4.011651365843605e-5 3.8162156458147556e-5 0.0001753021777101256 4.1655089050200556e-5 0.0001351210364797927 6.610070592318165e-5 7.080825049954918e-5 -3.458516333308571e-5 0.0002162494627252619 -0.00013330366458218107 -1.138844184726639e-5 1.7744637049636043e-5 -5.9223800447636354e-5 -0.0001445634272688583 0.00013606659082755266 7.081051332236924e-5 0.00011928902564860798 -9.686387168882336e-5; 9.035178310493563e-6 -7.915536697380106e-5 -8.378592464266071e-5 4.736729453203235e-6 -4.537395433415052e-5 -3.941797912245404e-5 4.5816291832515533e-5 0.00012134073914369785 3.640818032311565e-5 5.348541309233537e-5 0.00010261259159181536 -9.555280838476107e-6 8.398185456047128e-5 0.00011538450927349083 -1.4841422297260116e-5 -0.00012991433176336517 0.0001912806343274777 -3.257593415452807e-5 -0.00018064612085124757 4.0710304903251235e-5 0.00013578000799628176 9.058083525035823e-5 -7.985907712799559e-6 -6.539441382171293e-5 -3.584593504326675e-5 -0.00017603837330950136 -8.551056670382343e-5 4.352030883767934e-5 4.66220932243508e-5 -8.179712894031557e-5 4.52085310930019e-5 -1.8762675962142886e-5; 5.1837703611947635e-5 7.877205814882867e-5 -8.747653020829836e-5 -0.00014823701178238443 0.00010724509946022282 1.392050569709731e-5 -5.293583137383004e-5 0.00012483530906909468 8.900614364254264e-5 3.6400904608402085e-5 -4.0796212598727184e-5 0.00014748252749857775 -0.00027135350512391915 -9.492353566677253e-6 2.3215970830723105e-5 0.00010325455685094899 -0.00020022858927543205 -6.229332768409547e-5 -0.00013086994124159317 0.0001312523980945811 -0.0001782079035561026 -6.379200760559207e-5 -2.9372289756358992e-5 2.9972879818593774e-5 -4.2151170529445914e-5 7.176010865666895e-5 -0.00011747898508612953 -3.9331020272150976e-5 -2.0177987718416558e-5 1.0578299114495325e-5 3.460390678673221e-5 6.468707750034655e-5; 2.0336693493767708e-5 -5.9169608933195685e-5 -5.9678242026164294e-5 1.4031556899654748e-5 0.0001426747357681596 0.00012634771971261016 -3.741245594035031e-6 1.6332231977683565e-5 9.592348484784748e-5 -4.203119627439508e-5 0.00021072541400553893 -1.6296941824294956e-5 0.0001336999584664257 0.0001208983912574714 5.226899790339944e-5 1.8143154163229487e-5 0.00017660795398751527 -0.0001293026262219397 -6.490434046376071e-5 8.780112963632138e-5 -7.539959645601186e-5 -7.143901624021664e-5 7.895394352726916e-5 7.353430161859551e-6 7.090028672759665e-6 -0.00018294575878189515 -0.00016294663967800975 2.7128791925891896e-6 -9.647940626837319e-5 -4.692844898274136e-6 0.0001149865374527385 5.038355354099696e-5; 2.6162245644735856e-5 7.45546324605756e-5 2.370000701826123e-5 1.4736431053288838e-5 2.0813740134173434e-5 -0.00011550868903672467 -5.313249740086693e-5 -0.00012733102876613108 -0.00018881796377632 -0.0001095648646741962 -8.277674597143074e-5 -0.0001258624349293701 -0.00012161188597479072 4.542877404214856e-5 6.632075864670664e-5 1.6348256617532232e-7 -0.00012722196216150098 -7.152694407073033e-5 -2.6764759882074876e-5 4.818602364589286e-5 -4.876934713494173e-7 -6.139005081881936e-5 -0.0001636516341978214 1.7399780785989144e-5 3.970059814948651e-5 -5.031086284821039e-5 -4.4910767160262645e-5 9.386033097593863e-5 -3.0072932263504468e-5 3.010079971769128e-5 5.5855679688630255e-5 -3.00563321662109e-5], bias = [-1.6986379151531702e-9, 1.3729909219183871e-9, 1.092657860704122e-9, 5.81773484613365e-10, 6.003431735592365e-10, 2.5823323379132816e-9, -1.3448283840226387e-9, -1.045371037220917e-10, -4.5770396292198195e-10, -7.810153933280835e-10, -4.250890058900541e-9, 1.584184447952286e-9, 1.2735267883970815e-10, 2.6623720984869564e-9, -2.83831194288606e-9, 1.599942222961694e-10, 3.6975733730509606e-9, 1.6028949282426906e-9, 2.7344082071179034e-9, 1.4831429240365885e-9, 6.88557801359557e-10, 2.5120240225997396e-9, -9.926297599909478e-10, -1.5481444007489003e-9, 1.2034992193683095e-9, -2.3089885540523118e-9, -3.4369744160995057e-9, 3.083884385252152e-9, 3.0705580780192636e-10, -1.4680349737419169e-9, 1.9817589449574293e-9, -3.793234147174705e-9]), layer_4 = (weight = [-0.0007009232374683202 -0.0005942658195202159 -0.0008210979953154373 -0.0006573598146350874 -0.0008241395542999012 -0.0007014736131670348 -0.0005767015654824248 -0.0007497328404572224 -0.0006104511877143959 -0.0008149061691624323 -0.0005741819310942788 -0.0006925522697172786 -0.0007492019573705436 -0.0006992828968979428 -0.0007287769797850173 -0.0006624786942180234 -0.0007525306814461092 -0.0006414705798240849 -0.0006294612956203106 -0.000662290634922037 -0.0007303237146012718 -0.0006734138820419589 -0.0007317165831842 -0.0007392290576206342 -0.0005837597688534466 -0.0007515274510478991 -0.0006009214373060224 -0.0007162524229972806 -0.0007732306600345253 -0.0006875345602474747 -0.0006694031652181262 -0.000699061042447181; 0.0002850564956985431 0.00029124939528484093 0.000141815535015175 0.00019746252053228904 9.763319126150811e-5 0.00021908000034303346 0.00022538953592843742 0.00036324183755875216 0.0001554668910858161 8.964255803139546e-5 0.0004625985836497782 0.00021619777092923365 0.0001773846161517754 0.00011001492845654042 0.00015618483659218398 0.0004172140470178029 0.00020351053778475136 0.00023769321898126796 0.00044751273600643506 0.00023041405967234025 0.00017252953344562962 0.00027776580734099475 0.00017700379594901353 0.00011400601570436651 0.00018058092653875437 0.00010225666022583785 0.00024321637553132453 0.00024790305001425224 0.00029796291288252633 0.00026078125479948443 0.00036356541274293856 0.00029688308264121436], bias = [-0.0006915809136349853, 0.00023613082902216022]))
Visualizing the Results
Let us now plot the loss over time
fig = Figure()
ax = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[1, 1]; xlabel="Iteration", ylabel="Loss")
lines!(ax, losses; linewidth=4, alpha=0.75)
scatter!(ax, 1:length(losses), losses; marker=:circle, markersize=12, strokewidth=2)
Finally let us visualize the results
prob_nn = ODEProblem(ODE_model, u0, tspan, res.u)
soln_nn = Array(solve(prob_nn, RK4(); u0, p=res.u, saveat=tsteps, dt, adaptive=false))
waveform_nn_trained = first(compute_waveform(
dt_data, soln_nn, mass_ratio, ode_model_params))
fig = Figure()
ax = CairoMakie.Axis(fig[1, 1]; xlabel="Time", ylabel="Waveform")
l1 = lines!(ax, tsteps, waveform; linewidth=2, alpha=0.75)
s1 = scatter!(
ax, tsteps, waveform; marker=:circle, alpha=0.5, strokewidth=2, markersize=12)
l2 = lines!(ax, tsteps, waveform_nn; linewidth=2, alpha=0.75)
s2 = scatter!(
ax, tsteps, waveform_nn; marker=:circle, alpha=0.5, strokewidth=2, markersize=12)
l3 = lines!(ax, tsteps, waveform_nn_trained; linewidth=2, alpha=0.75)
s3 = scatter!(ax, tsteps, waveform_nn_trained; marker=:circle,
alpha=0.5, strokewidth=2, markersize=12)
axislegend(ax, [[l1, s1], [l2, s2], [l3, s3]],
["Waveform Data", "Waveform Neural Net (Untrained)", "Waveform Neural Net"];
using InteractiveUtils
if @isdefined(MLDataDevices)
if @isdefined(CUDA) && MLDataDevices.functional(CUDADevice)
if @isdefined(AMDGPU) && MLDataDevices.functional(AMDGPUDevice)
Julia Version 1.11.3
Commit d63adeda50d (2025-01-21 19:42 UTC)
Build Info:
Official release
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
CPU: 128 × AMD EPYC 7502 32-Core Processor
LLVM: libLLVM-16.0.6 (ORCJIT, znver2)
Threads: 16 default, 0 interactive, 8 GC (on 16 virtual cores)
JULIA_DEPOT_PATH = /cache/julia-buildkite-plugin/depots/01872db4-8c79-43af-ab7d-12abac4f24f6
JULIA_DEBUG = Literate
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